After breaking our borrowed microwave in less than a week, we finally purchased our own. Of course Chris came back with a nice one, instead of a little white cheapy thing that I expected, but it will last longer and we can always use it as a basement microwave, or something of that nature. Leftover Chinese food has never tasted so good!
I scored this sweet green bowl at Crate and Barrel's summer sale. Originally $66, I got it for $33! Still a good chunk of change, but I thought it was a good deal.
The hubby hung our entryway mirror this weekend. I absolutely love my mirror. Now I just need to figure out how to add some color to this table. I am thinking a green lampshade might be necessary.
I snagged these great little cubes at TJMaxx. They will be great if we need extra seating in a pinch. The idea is borrowed from John and Sherry over at This Young House.
My shower curtain count is now up to seven. I think I may have found a winner though. I'm liking the paisley print one on the top. Chris isn't so sure about it, but hopefully he changes his mind!
This adorable little lamp also came from TJMaxx. I think it goes with my gray room perfectly! Now I just need to clean out all the random junk that has ended up in here, and find some other furniture so I can make use of this cute little thing!
Oh and after being at my parent's house all weekend, I came home to find this in my living room:
We are getting our new carpet on TUESDAY! I am so excited. I guess I'll just have to deal with all of my furniture being in one room for a couple days...
It's looking REALLY good. I'm so impressed by how fast it's coming together! I love the Paisley shower curtain too.