August 23, 2009

hey baby

One of my coworkers is getting ready to pop, and the girls at work recently got together to shower her with some baby love. I'm not going to lie I am pretty sure she is stocked with diapers!

I put together an invite and a diaper cake, so I figured I would share. Here is the invite that I put together. Nothing too crazy, but I like the way it turned out.

And here are a couple of pictures of the diaper cake. Of course I'm an idiot and only took pictures on my phone, so they are rather horrible, but you get the idea.

While at dinner one of the cooks and the manager came by and asked us what kind of cake it was. When we told them it was a diaper cake they looked a bit confused... "So you don't eat it?" No guys, you don't eat the diapers. Ha ha.

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