My Christmas decor didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped this year. I just never got around to putting everything out, and I was missing a few things but couldn't find them in the stores. Hopefully next year (who am I kidding, I'll have a kid!) I will do a better job. For now, this is what I have to show!
In all honesty, this little silver tree is one of my favorite decorations this year. Its simple, and just sitting on my bathroom counter, but I think it is so cute!
I was paranoid that the cats would steal this snowflakes from the guest bedroom. They aren't very heavy and could easily be knocked over. Surprisingly the snowflakes have stayed put since the day after Thanksgiving.
Ashley, I love your decorations! Way better than mine, but I was a little limited on resources. I hope you and Chris had an awesome Christmas. I miss you!