December 6, 2009

beautiful curtains

Semi recently we hung some curtains (found at Crate and Barrel) in our guest room. I absolutely love the way they look!

Now I just really need a headboard...


  1. Those are really cute! I like the pattern on them. I first read that you bought them at Crackel Barrell! I was confused that Crackel Barrell would sale curtains, let alone ones that cute.

  2. Very pretty! I am thinking about doing a tone on tone curtain like this in our dining room. :-)

  3. These look great! And you do, too. :) Can't wait until the nursery starts coming together! I'll come over and see you as soon as I get my car winterized...darn check engine light makes me a little nervous.

  4. I adore that bedding. Is that from Crate and Barrel too??

  5. Gia- Yes the bedding is all from Crate and Barrel. I absolutely love it!
