December 12, 2009

bump check: 23 weeks

Personally, I think the belly growth has really slowed down... which is definitely ok with me! I was really nervous based on how much my body changed between the 16th week and the 20th, but since then I feel like my belly has just been rounding out a bit more, and maybe moving a little higher. Not necessarily getting too much bigger. I'm sure I'll have another growth spurt at some point, but for now I can deal. Plus the semi regular pain in my ligaments makes me think they are stretched far enough!

Our little girl should be a little over 11 inches long, and weighing in at just over a pound. (The growth specifications on the internet become a lot more vague after 22 weeks...) says that my baby can now really sense movement, so I should turn on some music and dance around. Her movements are becoming strong enough that you can see them happen on occasion. Also, because her ears are getting more sensitive, loud noises she is hearing now (such as the vacuum cleaner) most likely won't faze her outside the womb. I however, find that hard to believe!!

I had my monthly OB appointment this week. Nothing too exciting to report, blood pressure was fine, weight gain is fine, no crazy symptoms or terribly horrible pain. I was able to get the H1N1 vaccine, something I wasn't really planning on. The nurse mentioned that they had some available, so I took her up on the opportunity. I also scheduled my glucose tolerance test for my following appointment, so I got to go home with what the nurse described as orange flavored liquid sugar. Yipee, I can't wait to chug it next month. :o)

How far along: 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +7 pounds
Maternity clothes: almost all of my regular shirts are too short :o(
Stretch marks?: not yet!
Sleep: not so hot this week
Best moment this week: I seriously can't think of one... lame.
Movement: mostly in the mornings and evenings
Food cravings: ice cream
Gender: girl
What I miss: the ability to easily bend over
Milestones: another healthy check-up

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