Well I thought for my 100th blog post and my 28 week bump check I would be getting to share some awesome 3D ultrasound pictures of our little girl. Unfortunately she has an attitude and refused to cooperate today! She currently has her head lodged in my right hip bone, with her face towards my spine, and she was not going to budge an inch. We rescheduled for a few weeks from now, so hopefully with a little talking to, and maybe a little caffeine :o) she will decide to be good for the camera.
Our lovely little girl should be weighing about 2.25 pounds, and measuring 14.8 inches from head to heel. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. Her eyesight is developing, which means she might be able to see light that filters into the womb. She is also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
My back has been feeling a little bit better over the last few days. I think the heating pad and stretching is really helping out. But now I'm paranoid about every little thing. I analyze ever little pain I have, and worry when she isn't bouncing around all the time. (Which can be explained by the fact that she is facing my spine I suppose) To tell you the truth even though we aren't really ready for our little one to make her entrance, I'm ready to be done being pregnant. It is fun and enjoyable sometimes, but I think I'm going to like having a baby to hold so much better. Hopefully I'm down to 12 weeks or less left...
How far along: 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +13 pounds
Maternity clothes: I feel like this line isn't relevant anymore
Stretch marks?: nope
Sleep: sucks
Best moment this week: getting a delivery date for the furniture
Movement: at about 4 am! this kid needs to learn day vs. night
Food cravings: fruit
Gender: girl
What I miss: a glass (ok a bottle) of wine would be great right now
Milestones: another week down
Can you tell this was a slightly bitter/crabby week for me? :o)
Congrats on entering into your 3rd trimester and trust me right there with you on being done - thankfully my little girl will be here in about a week's time!!!