May 17, 2010

7 weeks

Baby girl is seven weeks old today. I can't believe it. She looks so old to me. This weekend she really started smiling, as in, not only when I am touching her face :o). She is definitely a daddy's girl. She grins whenever he talks to her. Me, I have to work really hard for a smile, but I can still get one. She is also finding her voice. The noises she makes are just precious.

Ryann would also like you to know, since so many have asked (and I have failed to answer, sorry!) that the curtains in her room are from Urban Outfitters. You can find them here.

I finally have ideas for the wall decor I want in her room, now it is just a matter of doing it. In due time...


  1. She is so darling! Her nursery is the cutest I've seen. Love the curtains, thanks for the info!

  2. I can definitely see both you and Chris in the different faces she makes. No doubting who Mom and Dad are!!

  3. She is the cutest thing! And has a good eye for accessories :)
    I've been following your blog for a little bit now (and I love what you've done with the nursery btw).
    I just wanted to let you know that your blog is one of the reasons that I finally started my own. So thanks for all the great posts!

  4. I just love the nursery! I'm just starting to work on ours... what are the names of the grey paint? Also, that teal in your guest room - what's that called? Beautiful home!
