July 8, 2010

embrace the camera

By this point in the day (3:15 pm) Ry had taken 3 naps. They added up to 75 minutes. We had been awake since 7:30 am. I had run out of ways to entertain my 3 month old who can't yet really grab toys. So, mac photobooth.

Ry was obviously entertained. Obviously.

Or maybe it was just me. Oh well.


  1. gotta love the macbook cameras! you can make the craziest pictures! i actually never knew they could do this, my 8th grade students taught me!

    the photos are cute!

  2. Cute pictures! She is a doll!

  3. Adorable pictures!! You two are too cute!

  4. fun photobooth shots :)

    sorry for my unsolicited advice :) but have you heard of "healthy sleep habits, happy child" by marc weissbluth?
    fabulous read, especially when dealing with babes who won't sleep well. totally recommend it!

  5. Glad I am not the only mom to a new baby that runs out of things to do!

  6. Fun with the mac...LOVE it!!

  7. These reminded me that I have that same onesie, and I need to bust it out. Your little girl reminds me of mine (who is almost 3 months)... guess that happens with little white baldie girls huh?! :) Too cute!
