July 17, 2010

i'm giddy

So I've discussed my recent obsession with wanting a silhouette. And after more than one failed giveaway entry (thanks for the tip Beth Ann, too bad it didn't happen for me!) I decided I wasn't going to leave it up to chance anymore. I ordered one. I am anxiously awaiting its arrival.

These are some blogs that convinced me that the silhouette and I are destined to be together.

From Little Birdie Secrets... my Ktichen Aid is almost definitely getting a makeover. :o) And Ry can never have too many cute onesies right?

From The TomKat Studio... lets see, I'm going to have kids birthday parties, bridal showers, holidays, and many more events that will put this little guy to good use.

From Project Nursery... I've been wanting to put some silhouette art in Ry's nursery, so now I'll have the silhouette to help me do it!

And from Make It and Love it... who wouldn't want to be able to put fun designs on t-shirts?

So I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new toy. I have no idea what I'm going to do first, but I promise to share all the goodies I come up with!

Side note, don't you think silhouette should give me some accessories (I would love some rolls of vinyl, some flocked transfer paper, you know...), for all this free press they are getting from me? I think so. Like that will ever happen :o).


  1. I can wait to hear how you like it and how it works with your mac!

  2. Sooo I totally put the Silhouette on my birthday list after I saw a review from a friend! Cross my fingers I get it!

  3. I just stumbled across your blog through all things g&d. I'm also a new mom to a 7 month old so it is good to hear other moms' tips and tricks. I ordered a silhouette after seeing it all over blogland as well. have you used yours yet?
