August 31, 2010

101 in 1001

I'm a perpetual list-maker. I know I'm not the only one. For some reason writing down a to-do list thrills me. When I came across the idea of 101 in 1001 a couple years ago I thought it was awesome. Like a long term to-do list. But I never really started or tackled the project. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just google 101 in 1001, the first couple of sites will give you a pretty good idea as to what the deal is.

Lately I feel like I haven't been making very good use of my time. When Ry finally goes down for her little cat naps, I usually either grab something to eat, or zone out in front of my computer or the TV. During all that computer time I usually browse blogs, thinking man I want to make that, or I should do that, I wish I knew how to do that, etc... Or I see projects that other people are completing on their houses, and I wish that I was better at tackling ours. So...

I am going to do it. I am committing myself to a 101 in 1001 list. Mine might not be quite as challenging or ambitious as some I've seem, but hopefully it will encourage me to learn something new, finish tasks that have been left undone, take better care of myself and have a little fun.

My start date is tomorrow, September 1st, 2010, and the finish date is May 28th, 2013. Wish me luck on this task! And now for my list...
  1. bake a pie
  2. bake and decorate a cake
  3. make homemade ice cream
  4. find a great recipe for sweet salsa, and make jars for my friends
  5. host and cook a family meal
  6. buy produce at the farmers market
  7. make Ryann animal shaped pancakes for breakfast
  8. run a 5k
  9. do a pull-up
  10. take an exercise class
  11. lose 15 pounds
  12. go to the beach
  13. go skiing
  14. ride a roller coaster
  15. visit a national monument
  16. see the Grand Canyon
  17. visit a state I've never been to
  18. ride a motorcycle (going to help me out dad?)
  19. organize recipes into a cookbook
  20. read ten new novels (9/10) - Second Glance, The Help, The Violets of March, Winter Garden, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, Redeeming Love, True Colors
  21. learn to sew
  22. make a quilt (not to include the item below)
  23. turn dance t-shirts into a quilt
  24. make Ryann a headband
  25. sew a dress for Ryann
  26. spruce up a t-shirt for myself
  27. put together our wedding scrapbook
  28. paint a canvas for Ry's room
  29. go a whole day without tv or internet
  30. go a whole day without my iPhone (this seems impossible)
  31. spruce up an old piece of furniture  painted Ryann's bookshelf
  32. go a whole summer without killing the potted plants
  33. plant a tree
  34. make a wreath for the front door made an ornament wreath
  35. finish my kitchen chalkboard
  36. make a decorative pillow
  37. send ten homemade cards via snail mail (1/10) - participated in Elevated envelope
  38. send someone flowers
  39. throw a surprise party
  40. enjoy a cold beverage and some Wheel pizza
  41. take a friend to get a pedicure
  42. visit a friend in another state
  43. get a return address stamp
  44. go to the zoo
  45. visit a museum
  46. go to a KU football game
  47. go to a KU basketball game
  48. go to a Chiefs football game
  49. fly a kite
  50. build a snowman
  51. carve a pumpkin
  52. learn to play a song on the piano
  53. take a dance class  Well I didn't take a class, but I did learn a dance and perform on stage.  Good enough for me!
  54. go to a wine tasting
  55. 'finish' Ryann's room and submit pictures to various design blogs
  56. meet one or more of my favorite bloggers in real life
  57. blog everyday for a month (and not just pictures of Ryann!) completed November 2011
  58. host a giveaway on the blog headband giveaway!
  59. program my computer to back up everything regularly Time Machine is up and running
  60. learn to take pictures in complete manual mode I don't know if I learned it, but I did it!
  61. organize my printed photos into albums
  62. make photo books from photos living on my computer
  63. take the cats to the vet
  64. weed through my junk in the basement
  65. organize the kitchen junk drawer
  66. make a spice rack in the kitchen
  67. go through EVERYTHING in my closet and dresser
  68. clean out all my junk at my parent's house (hi mom!)
  69. create a cleaning schedule
  70. stick to above cleaning schedule for an entire month
  71. make the bed everyday for four weeks I did it for about five, and have made the bed maybe twice since.  So much for making it a habit.
  72. do something to support a local charity participated in runs that donate to charity
  73. do something to support the Make-A-Wish Foundation
  74. volunteer for Habitat for Humanity
  75. do something nice for one of my neighbors
  76. try five new restaurants (1/5) - Eddoku
  77. go on a date night with Chris once a month - MASSIVE FAIL
  78. go on vacation with just Chris - we stayed at a wedding overnight without Ryann, I might just have to count it
  79. find a church to attend
  80. see a movie of Chris's choice in the theater
  81. watch a movie that Chris wants me to see, no complaining... (that will be tough!)
  82. go on a picnic
  83. go to a drive in movie
  84. update and revamp my business website
  85. post on my business blog once a month - MASSIVE FAIL
  86. have wood floor transitions in the kitchen completed
  87. replace the bathroom fixtures
  88. have all of the pipes in the house replaced
  89. get a new vanity for the master bath
  90. get a new counter for the hall bath
  91. finish trim in master bedroom
  92. finish trim in kitchen
  93. redo back patio
  94. fix the cracked window in Ry's room
  95. build a desk and shelves in the family room closet
  96. put up a backsplash in the kitchen
  97. get the fireplace cleaned and inspected
  98. repaint the hall bathroom
  99. paint all of the trim in our house
  100. paint the exterior of our house (at least the unpainted part!)
  101. get a new front (storm?) door
So there you have it. If anyone wants to join me in any of these tasks, or thinks they can help me out, let me know! And wish me luck :o). I can't say I'm the greatest at completing projects I start.


  1. I love this idea! Good luck, and if I can help you accomplish anything, let me know!

  2. What a great idea!! I am addicted to lists so might have to do this.

    Just came over from Dusty's and absolutely LOVE your blog!! Your daughter is SO precious. :) My son is 3 1/2 months old so I love reading what fun things are coming up & what I have to look forward to! :)

  3. I love this! I will gladly help out with some of these....especially if Wheel pizza is involved. And in that case, I should probably tag along for the 5K too. :)

  4. Great list! I'm obsessed with them too... so much so that my entire blog is filled with them:

    Also, I made a to do list for summer that included making homemade ice cream. Still haven't got to that one yet, but I guess I can always make pumpkin ice cream this October...
    Anyhoo, this is where I put my summer list:

  5. OMG! GO to a Farmer's Market - buy as much produce as you can possibly eat that week - it will change your life...and you'll feel so good about yourself and what you are eating!

    Try the Rosedale Farmer's market on Sunday Afternoons from 12-3. It's small, but designed for a really good cause (it's through an initiative to fight childhood obesity in low-income areas). It's on the corner of Rainbow Blvd and Southwest Blvd.

    I've also heard the Westport farmer's market is good on Wednesday evenings.

    Have fun!

  6. I have a reallllly yummy recipe for pineapple mango salsa I can give you...if you promise I am one of the friends that receives a jar :) You have inspired me to make my own list! I might just have to steal some of your ideas though!

  7. I am also doing a 101 in 1001 list! Good luck with yours (:

  8. What a great idea! I just made a 30 for 30 list of things to accomplish in my 30s (which begin in 23 short days). Keep up the good work!
