August 9, 2010

baby girl has a cold

My poor little girl. She is generally a little congested. But right now her nose is running, her eyes are watery, she is sneezing and coughing. Looking at her little watery eyes makes me want to cry, I feel so bad!

She slept absolutely horribly last night (I let her sleep with me and she was still waking up every hour or two) and she only slept 30 minutes during the first nap. Her second nap she woke up after 20 and looked miserable, so I rocked her back to sleep, and continued rocking for another hour. I wanted her to have a good nap, so I caved and put her in the swing this afternoon. I forgot how well she sleeps in that thing. It has been almost two hours. Remind me why babies can't nap in a swing forever? Just kidding...

I know what this means... my child is a motion sleep junky. She can't soothe herself. I really need to teach her how to fall asleep and stay asleep on her own. But I HATE hearing her cry. And I'm pretty sure that is what it is going to take. And I feel guilty because it is probably (ok almost definitely) my fault. Plus lately she has been sleeping so well at night. I don't know what to do. This whole sleep thing kills me.

Anywho, because what is a post without pictures, you can enjoy some recent shots from the iPhone. I know that is what you were wanting on this lovely Monday. :o)


  1. My daughter is only 6 weeks old, but she too likes having motion/being close to me to sleep. She'll sleep in her crib/bassinet, but not for nearly as long as if she's being rocked/bounced/held. When I start to feel guilty or think she needs to learn to "self-soothe" I start thinking in primal mode. Why do babies so little have to learn to self-soothe? Won't they eventually learn when they're 2 or 3 on their own, when they start wanting independence/needing space from their mamas? I don't know... I say whatever works, really. :) Enjoy your precious baby and rock her or put her in the swing all you want! I'm in the camp that believes babies can't be spoiled for quite some time.

  2. poor bebe its never fun to be sick!! Your pictures are adorable and hang in there with the sleep thing itll work out eventually and then youll look back at this as just another bump in the road of life

  3. Brayden turned a year old 2 weeks ago and I STILL rock him to bed every single night. It's getting easier to get him to sleep, and I know I probably should have sleep trained earlier, but I am totally treasuring it.

  4. Aww, Rilo has her first cold too! She took a great nap today but her nighttime sleeping is terrible, as usual! It's so sad, yet kind of cute, to hear her little raspy voice.

    And I still have to rock or nurse Rilo to sleep. We're going to wait a little while longer to start any sleep training. And I don't think any form of CIO is going to work for her (or me), so we'll see what we come up with!

  5. OH and p.s. where oh where did you get that owl onesie. I'm pretty sure Rilo needs it!

  6. Left you something on my blog! :)
