August 26, 2010

embrace the camera

This occurs approximately every two minutes in my house.

eh, so we're not both in focus. you get the idea

She thinks it's funny. :o)


  1. HA! I can totally relate. I have started wearing mine up so that Henry doesn't pull it out! He doesn't want to let go.

    That last pic of Ry is adorable, such a sweet smile.

  2. oh my gosh what a little DOLL!!! super cute, why do kids love to grab hair, haha!
    and btw, i am completely coveting your rug under your dining room table...

  3. ADORABLE!!! Such a happy family!

  4. So cute - I love that outfit! So bright and colorful!!!

  5. Oh my gosh you look so much like your mom in that second picture! And that's a compliment - your mom's gorgeous. It just took me by surprise because I've never seen you look so much like her!
