September 15, 2010

a day in the life- krissy

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today I am excited for you to meet Krissy, from The Bignon Family. I love reading Krissy's blog because Ryann and Nicholas are so close in age. If we are ever in the same area I would love to meet up with them!! Enjoy a day in Krissy's life!


Hi, I'm Krissy and I would like for you to meet our family. I am a 29 year-old stay at home mom to almost 6 month old Nicholas. My husband is Chris (yes- Krissy and Chris!) and we have been married for a little over 2 years, and together for 5. Chris works for a large insurance company and is an awesome daddy! We live just outside a big city in the South. And we also have a chocolate lab, Sadie. I am happy to share my typical day with you!

Here we go....

6 am- I wake up to the sound of Nicholas fussing over the monitor. I look to see if he looks ok and decide to give him 5 minutes to see if he falls back asleep. He woke up 4 times last night (he is not the best sleeper, but has been sleeping 8-9 consecutive hours the past 2 weeks which is AWESOME, however the past 2 nights have been hard because he is getting his first two teeth right now)so I am hoping this isn’t the start to our day. 5 minutes go by and he is still fussing so I go in his room to pat and shush him. He settles for a minute so I leave and go back to bed. A few minutes later he stats fussing/talking again so I continue to lay there half asleep and half watching him on the video monitor.

6:30- The fussing turns to crying so I decide that he is up for the day and go get him from his crib. Immediately the crying stops and turns into the biggest gummy smile and hug. I nurse him while checking facebook and read a couple of blogs. He finishes, I change him, and he is all smiles and so busy “talking” to me and telling me about his night. This is one of my favorite times of the day as he is always so happy!

7:00- We head downstairs and I put him on his mat surrounded by toys. His favorite is the mirror with the handsome boy in it! He smiles and talks to the boy in the mirror while I make my breakfast (yogurt with granola and blueberries and a glass of milk). *Today I don’t have our lab Sadie, since we are going out of town tomorrow and my sister picked her up last night. Otherwise walking her would occur at this point.* I take my breakfast and sit on the floor to eat while playing with Nicholas. Nicholas notices my parfait and decides he wants it, so he spins himself in a 180 turn and starts inching towards me. Heaven help us! Please tell me crawling is not imminent!

7:20- I put Nicholas in his exersaucer while I begin to unload the dishwasher. He keeps a very watchful eye on me the whole time. Halfway through unloading he makes it clear he doesn’t want to be in his exersacuer, so I take him out and hold him while I start to make his breakfast. He is eating solids 3 times a day now, but sometimes he is into it, and other times he wants nothing to do with it. This morning I heat him up 1 cube of frozen pear puree and mix in a little rice cereal. He takes a few very eager bites, and then decides he doesn’t like it. I offer him a rice snack, but he has no clue what to do with these things and plays with it for a few minutes before losing interest!

7:45- I realize we have a BAD diaper situation, so we head upstairs and get that taken care of. I put Nicholas on his activity mat while I start a load of laundry. Putting Nicholas on his mat, and keeping him on his mat are two very different things these days. He continues to roll around in his room and play while I get myself dressed. I come back in and get him dressed, read him 2 books, move the just cleaned laundry to the dryer and start another load, and get him into his carrier.

8:35- We are out the door to run some errands. Stop at Starbucks (I am addicted to Pumpkin Spice Lattes in the fall), run through the ATM, and a quick trip to Target. Nicholas sleeps in his carrier for about an hour.

9:40- We are meeting a friend at the park at 10am and there is no time to go home so we get to the park 20 minutes early and I nurse Nicholas in the back of the car.

10- Our friend Macey (and her mommy Laurie) arrive at the park and we walk for about 45 minutes. Then we head to the swings. This morning is Nicholas's first time on the swings. He isn't too sure at first, but after a few minutes he decides he likes it and is all smiles.

11:20- Still swinging, I notice we have another diaper situation requiring immediate attention and an outfit change. Get that taken care of and then Laurie and I decide on Quiznos for lunch. Macey and Nicholas are perfect little angels in the highchairs while Laurie and I eat quickly, knowing that nap time is very near.

12:15- Leave Quiznos and head home. Nicholas falls asleep in the car.

12:30- Home. Bring Nicholas into his room and he stays asleep in his carrier. Time to get some stuff done. I transfer another load of laundry, water the plants, finish unloading the dishwasher, and start a batch of homemade baby food.

1- I hear a cry, Nicholas is up too early from his nap. I go and get him. Now it is time for his "lunch." He has peas and eats everything I made for him. Peas made a mess, so another outfit change and wipe down. Play in his room for a bit and then nurse. Turn on the Disney station I have saved on Pandora radio and we lay on the floor together and I sing all my favorites to him. He is the only person in the world who wants to hear me singing and belting out to some Ariel! At some point I realize I should have had Laurie take a picture of me with Nicholas so I could be in a picture on this post. Oh well, I guess a self portrait will have to do....

2:30- We are currently trying to sell one of our cars, so I have a potential buyer come to look at it. Nicholas sits in the stroller while I show the car.

3- Time to get into nap mode. I read Nicholas 1 book, turn off the lights, and turn on his sound machine. Rock him, and in a few minutes he has fallen asleep. I lay him in his crib.

3:15- I am really hoping to get an hour! I don't use my time very wisely and I decide to do a quick blog post with pictures from the park this morning. I scroll through my blog list and there are tons I want to catch up on, but decide to not waste anymore time and jump in the shower.

3:40- Out of the shower and head downstairs to finish up the baby food I started earlier today. I am working on nectarines and peaches!

3:50- Darn...not gonna finish the food. Nicholas is up from his nap! I go and get him from his crib and attempt to finish making the baby food while holding him with one arm. Need two hands so I put him down on his mat with toys. He fusses while I quickly finish up.

4:10- I sit on the floor and try to play with him but he is still cranky, so we head upstairs to nurse.

4:30- Done nursing and he is still cranky! I try to rock him to see if he will take one last little catnap to get him through to his 7:00 bedtime.

4:50- After 2 failed attempts of getting him down, and a now very smiley Nicholas, I give up and get him out of his crib. We move to the floor and play. He is in a great mood now and enjoys sitting up and playing with his shape sorter.

5:10- I notice his diaper looks heavy so I go to change him and he pees all over himself. I do a quick clean up and wipe down on Nicholas. This would make outfit number 4 for the day, so I decide to give him so naked time. He LOVES this!

5:20- I don't think more than 10 minutes of naked time sounds like a good idea, so I put him in a diaper and move him to his jumper. He is happy here so I decide to vacuum his room while he is entertaining himself. He is still happy, so I go ahead and finish the whole upstairs.

5:40- Done. Get Nicholas from his jumper and take him downstairs. He goes back on his mat while I get his dinner ready. His favorite meal tonight! He eats 2 cubes of squash and 1 cube of apples mixed with rice cereal. After dinner we move back to the floor for a little more playtime. We have fun with peak-a-boo and patty cake.

6:30- Time to start his bedtime routine. He takes a bath in his rubber ducky tub and laughs while kicking and splashing. It is a game of tug of war with the washcloth, which he keeps trying to put in his mouth! After the bath it is butt paste, jammies, lights off, sound machine on, and nurse. Tonight he falls asleep nursing.

7:00- He is down. I call my mom back who called during his dinner. I heat up my dinner. My husband is out of town for work tonight, so it is leftovers for me- chicken, rice, and salad. I eat in front of Wheel of Fortune.

7:30- Now the fun begins! I tackle the mountain of laundry I have been making all day. I also have to pack because we are leaving for Hilton Head in the morning.

9:10- All the laundry is folded and I am done packing. Now time for my bedtime routine- a bag of popcorn, a diet coke, get caught up on blogs and facebook, and watch a little tv.

10- Lights out and I am asleep in a matter of minutes.

10:40- Maybe not. Nicholas cries over the monitor. I go to pat/shush him and then quickly fall back asleep!

Ok, now for the Q&A with Ashley:

1. What is the most surprising thing to you about being a mother?
I know I sound like every other mom, much you can really love this new baby within moments of meeting him/her. For me, it took about 24 hours because I was recovering from an emergency c-section and a very stressful labor. But after the first day, I was 100% head over heels for this little guy. I never knew how much you could love someone. It really is totally amazing! Also, how BUSY you stay all the time! I feel like I am always on the go. We make time for tons of fun stuff, and I am so thankful for that. But, there is always something needing to be done...a diaper change, a feeding, 10,000,000 loads of laundry. I had no clue that being a stay-at-home mom could be so much work!

2. What are some tips you would give to new moms, or soon to be mommas?
Take it day by day and don't try to have too many plans. I am a mega planner and had schedules typed out even before Nicholas was born. Once they are here, they have their own ideas about how things will go. And the moment you think you have something down pat, they will change it up on you. So try to go with the flow and just enjoy all the wonderful times!

3. What are your top three baby products?
#1- The Itzbeen Timer. I lived by this thing for the first 5 months. I actually just stopped using it in the past few weeks, but it was my lifeline to know how long "itzbeen" since the last feeding, diaper change, etc. I also love the night light for getting to his room in the middle of the night!

#2- Video Monitor. This is new for me. I didn't get one at first, and have only had it for about a month now. It makes life so much easier! We can have family and friends over after he has gone to bed and shut the door and still know what is going on in there. I am so glad we got this and wish we had done it sooner!

#3- The Boppy. This makes for hands free nursing and is the reason I have time to blog!

Thanks everyone for reading about my day! And thanks Ashley for letting me share with all of your readers!


Thank you Krissy! Hope everyone has a great hump day :o).


  1. found your blog via "Copy Cat Chic"....LOVE the glam mirror in your LR (can you share where you found it?)
    Also, LOVE the rug in your's the same rug , I think, that my client wanted in her nursery (ck out the nursery on my right side bar: Julia's nursery) it the grey Anthropologie rug? Love it wherever it's from...I need to send her your photo so she can see it in a nursery!
    Have a great day!

  2. Sounds like an awesome day! I love the balance Krissy has between getting stuff done (like laundry!) and enjoying time with Nicholas (the park, etc).
