September 9, 2010

embrace the camera

Sometimes when Ryann is tired, she chews on her hands like a crazy lady. It is as if I don't feed her. Ever. (I do feed her, I promise :o).

And though I frequently debate about letting her cry it out, so she can learn to fall asleep on her own, I know I would miss the moments like this.

There is nothing more perfect than a warm sleeping baby completely molded to your body. Especially if you have some John Mayer tunes to accompany that perfect moment.


  1. I love those moments. Love the pictures!


  2. I know, right! I can't seem to make myself stay away and let my baby cry it out. He needs to learn to put himself to sleep, but I just love to snuggle him! (Besides, then I can postpone doing dishes!) I still love those cheeks! I just can't get over them!

  3. Snuggling a sleeping baby is the best- especially when they get a little older and it happens less frequently!

  4. Love the pictures and the leggings! Too cute!

  5. Great pictures! My son also chews on his hand, today he actually chewed on my cheek and he just got some teeth! I love sleeping babies, especially in your arms, there is something just so peaceful about it!

  6. Those leggings {or whatever they're called for babies} are too cute!

  7. hey, i live in KC too. your babe is adorable.

  8. That is such a cute picture of you and Ry!
