October 4, 2010

101 in 1001 - an update

Well I haven't checked anything off my list completely, but I've made a teeny bit of progress!

#20:  read ten new novels
This past month I read Second Glance by Jodi Picoult.  I love Picoult's books.  You can just enjoy them for the story, or you can try to read deeper into them.  Generally I feel like they all follow the same format, but I keep reading them because I get sucked in.  This particular book was actually a bit different than the rest of her novels I've read.

#71:  make the bed everyday for four weeks
Well, I thought I was going to start this one last week.  I did great making the bed Monday-Friday (actually Chris made it one of the days, I was impressed!) but it um, didn't get made Saturday and Sunday.  I have kind of inserted it into my morning routine, so if I can keep it made on weekdays I'll be proud of myself.  But I'll do my best to keep it up on the weekends as well.  It was nice to take an afternoon nap on Saturday all snuggled in my sheets though...

#77:  go on a date night with Chris once a month
We almost didn't squeeze it in, but last weekend Chris's mom watched Ryann while we spent a couple of hours out of the house.  Just for the record, I wore heels!  I was proud of myself.  We had dinner at Bonefish Grill, and then made a pit stop to check out suits for Chris's residency interviews before heading home.  It is always nice to get out of the house just the two of us (even though I miss Ryann most of the time I'm gone).  Even if only for a couple hours.  I know that Anita would be willing to watch Ryann for longer, but I'm not very good at being gone that long!

#85:  post on my business blog once a month
I uh, squeezed that one in on the 30th of September.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute!

Hopefully this month I will actually check something completely off the list...

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