October 27, 2010

a day in the life - nikki

Happy Wednesday everybody!  Today I am happy to introduce you to Nikki from Nikki's Nacs.  I hope you enjoy taking a little peak into her life.  And just so you know, I was jealous when I read how much her baby sleeps.  Be prepared.


Hi, there! I'm Nikki from nikki's nacs. My husband and I have been married for 12 years, I stay home with our 2 boys (4 years and 8 months), and we live in the South. That means that I say y'all.

Let me go ahead a say upfront that I have the world's best sleepers and my husband spoils me by letting me sleep in every morning. Everyday isn't exactly the same, but here is a run down of a "typical" day.

8:30 - I hear Henry starting to wake up, so I crawl out of bed. I head down the hall to his room and I am greeted with a big smile from my littlest man. He gets a diaper change and then it's off to the kitchen to start breakfast. Cade has probably been up since about 6:30 watching cartoons and playing quietly in his room. My husband has also been up for a while, so there is  cup of coffee waiting on the counter for me. (I told you I was spoiled.)

9:00 - 10:00 - We wrap up breakfast, I straighten the kitchen back up, the boys play together on the floor in their rooms or living room, and I do a mad dash around the house trying to get as much (laundry and cleaning ) done as I can before Henry's nap starts. There are some days that we all just play in the floor.

10:00 - Henry is ready for a nap. Cade and I read God's Creative Power and then we start homeschool (k-4). We sit on the couch for his reading and then I give him the instructions for all of his worksheets. He starts on worksheets and then I do 1 or some of the following. 
-pull something out of the freezer if I need to for dinner or get it going in the crockpot
-shower (if we have somewhere to go)
-finish any housework
-exercise (i need to do this more often)
-a little computer time

I am also answering any ?'s that Cade has during this time. Sometimes they are related to his school work, other times it's something completely random.

12:00 - Lunch for me and Cade.
12:30 - 1:00 - Henry gets up during this time and is ready for lunch. 

1:00 - 2:00 - If we have any errands or shopping to do, this is normally when it happens. If we aren't going anywhere, I'm normally following Henry around the house. He is still army crawling, but he gets around fast. Sometimes we'll read a book, or we'll play in one of their rooms.
2:00 Henry is ready for another nap. If we are home I put him down for a nap. If we aren't back yet, I'm trying my best to get home because he is telling me he is ready for his bed.

2:00-4:00 It depends on the day and what Cade wants to do  and I need to get done. Just more of the usual. Playing, maybe some crafting, sewing, or computer time if Cade is playing well on his own, and thinking about doing laundry.

4:00 - Henry is up and ready for a bottle and more play time.

5:00-7:00 - This time of day is a total blur some days. Dinner prep, baths, wonder what time my husband will get home so that I know when I need to get it in the oven, feed baby (again), eat, play time with daddy, pj's for boys, brush teeth, Bible story before bed. 
7:00 - BOYS IN BED and then we start cleaning up the kitchen.

7:30 - 8:00 - kitchen is done.
8:00 - it's time for a cup of coffee, maybe something sweet. We spend the rest of the evening together on the couch. (tv, computer, reading)
9:00 - if I haven't showered yet, I get a shower. I quit taking them in the morning (unless we have to go somewhere) because I usually get spit up on several times through the day and found it completely pointless. I'd rather not go to bed smelling like spit up.

Bedtime is somewhere between 10 and 2. I'm a night owl, so it just depends.
Just in case it sounds like I have everything all together and everyday runs smoothly, it doesn't always go that way. There are days when I'm just glad that I got both boys fed throughout the day, and house is a DISASTER. Just keeping it real.

Questions from Ashley:
1. What is the most surprising thing to you about being a mother?
How fast everything goes by. One day you are ready for them to sleep through the night and the next thing you know, they are about to turn 5 years old.

2. What are some tips you would give to new moms, or soon to be mommas? 
Just enjoy every little thing. If it's your first baby, sleep when they sleep, you can't always do that with the 2nd.

3. What are your top three baby products?
  1. the itzbeen timer - for the first 3 months
  2. the bobby pillow - Henry is now 8 months old and still uses it 
  3. the Avent Micro Sterilizer  
Thanks so much Nikki!


    1. danggggg, I thought I had a good sleeper (and, really, I do!) but Henry puts her to shame! :) Thanks Nikki for sharing your day!

    2. Nikki's boys are so adorable and her Husband sounds like a great catch! Thanks for sharing your day!

    3. Thanks again, Ashley! This was fun.

    4. I love this little peek! Nikki is such a sweetheart! And Nikki, I am excited for you and your homeschooling journey. =)
