November 5, 2010

101 in 1001 - an update

Woot!  I can actually say I crossed things off the list this past month!!

#71:  make the bed everyday for four weeks
I have yet to actually manage the everyday part.  My bed has been made every weekday since September 27th.  I'd say that is a pretty big accomplishment.  But hopefully I will actually manage to make it on the weekends at some point!  We have been out of town the last couple, so if I make it on Friday I luck out :o).

#77:  go on a date night with Chris once a month
Thankfully my parents helped us accomplish this one this month.  Friday night after we put Ryann to bed at Grammy and Grandpa's, we headed out to eat at Red Lobster.  Chris and I actually went on our first real date at Red Lobster when I was 15.  :o)  How can you pass up cheddar bay biscuits?

#85:  post on my business blog once a month
Uh oh.  I didn't post in October.  I don't know why, it shouldn't be that hard!  I've created plenty of invitations, programs and save the dates in the last couple months so I don't know why I can't seem to display at least one piece on the blog.  Oy.  I'll try to post twice in November to make up for it.

#87:  replace the bathroom fixtures
Well this one is almost done.  While getting the pipes replaced we had new fixtures installed.  The only thing that didn't get changed out yet was the hall bath sink faucet.  We plan to replace the counter, so it seemed silly to install a new fixture on the old counter, only to have to take it off later.

#88:  have all the pipes in the house replaced.
Check!  We had galvanized pipes throughout most of the house, and rusty water and minimal water pressure.  I'm so happy to have this done, even though that is a bill that doesn't do much for the appearance of our home (which I like to pay for much more!).

#89:  get a new vanity for the master bath
Check!  When we were having the pipes replaced the vanity had to be pulled out anyway, so it was the best time to get it done.  We found a great little vanity at Lowes that has a shallower footprint, so the itty bitty bathroom seems a little bit bigger now!  When I find the time, I'll take a picture.  It is tough to get a good one though, the bathroom is SO small.

#91:  finish trim in master bedroom
I guess I wasn't specific when I made this goal.  We had the trim finished, as in, it is up, but it isn't painted.  The baseshoe had to be removed when our floors were refinished (well over a year ago) and we finally got some new to replace it and had it installed.

#92:  finish trim in kitchen
Like the master trim, all of the trim isn't painted, but it is primed, so its white :o).  We destroyed the kitchen trim when we redid the kitchen and put down tile.  Now there is some back up!

It feels great to actually have some of the things crossed off my list.  This month I hope to complete one of the crafty items.

I was also wanting to make this my month that I post everyday, but go me, I missed November 1st.  Does it count if I just post in to December?  I never stated that it specifically had to be a calendar month...

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I still haven't finished WRITING my 101 in 1001...that isn't a good sign, is it?
