November 23, 2010

diy wreaths

As I am beginning to think about decorating for Christmas, I've decided I need a new wreath.  The one we've been using is a lovely $9.98 wreath from Wal-Mart.  It gets the job done, but it doesn't really fit my style.  (Whatever my style might be, I really have no idea what it is)

My real problem is I have yet to find a wreath that I like.  I love the look of some of the live wreaths I saw online at Pottery Barn, but other than that I can't find the 'one'.  I like clean lines without too much fluff going on.  There can't be too many sticks hanging out, I won't do pinecones...  So I started thinking maybe I could make one!

I've found some fun diy wreath ideas online, not sure if I'll try one of them, but I thought I'd share anyway!

I think this felt ruffle wreath is so cute.  I think it is my favorite.  My dilemma with this one... my door is a bright green, and I like silver and golds, but I'm not sure about silver or gold felt (does that even exsist?).  I'm generally not a fan of red, but maybe a red felt wreath?  That could be pretty.  If I don't do it now, I might make a hot pink one to use for Valentine's Day, or for Ryann's birthday party...

You can find instructions here, on domestifluff.

I also saw this yarn wreath on Joi's blog, she got the idea and tutorial from here.

It seems relatively easy to make, and the felt flowers are adorable, but maybe some cute little ornaments would make it a great holiday wreath?

Check out this Halloween wreath:

Ok wrong holiday, but in different colors and minus the skull, I really like that one too.  My lack of sewing skills, or a machine for that matter, could make it difficult to achieve.  A little help mom?  :o)

Or I could always go with a good old ornament wreath...

You can find the tutorial here.  Not sure if it would work for me because we have a storm door.  Based on the pictures I've seen I'm not sure it would fit!

What does your holiday wreath look like?


  1. We currently have a cheapo wreath that I adorned with one of those velvety bows you can buy at the store. I think it's time for a newer, nicer wreath this year and I've also been looking around for inspiration! I love the wreath at and I think I might DIY a wreath using their designs as inspiration.

  2. I made the ornament wreath last year! We have a storm door, too, but I used miniature ornaments from Walmart, and it fits just fine.

  3. I'm making Joi's yarn wreath for Christmas! I bought white yarn to go around it, and red & dark red felt for the flowers. I think I am also going to copy her and make the leaves out of some leftover burlap I have. I also thought it would be cute to incorporate some silver jingle bells into the spaces between the flowers to make it a little more holiday-y.
    We have a dark green door, but I think something like that would look really cute on your bright green door!

  4. They are all super cute!! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  5. I've been making a bunch of those simple yarn wreaths--I'm obsessed. They're super easy. If I recall, they do have silver/gold-ish felt. I think I'm going to have to try that ruffley one next!

  6. I love love love #1!! It looks hard though! Can't wait to see which one you make.

  7. That first wreath is soooo cute! I might have to give that one a try! I was so surprised to see my wreath on your blog :) Thanks for showcasing it. I was thinking of making a similar one for Christmas--minus the skull. Happy Blogging!
