December 15, 2010

a day in the life - amy

Hello hump day!  Today you get to meet Amy.  I hope you enjoy a day in her life!


Hi, I'm Amy from A Lot of Love & A Little Lady and I'm thrilled to be a guest on Ashley's darling little corner of the blog world. I'm a wife, first-time / baby-food makin' momma, who likes to bake, play with pretty paper, and enjoys the occasional glass of Chardonnay. Here's a peak into an average day with my 7 1/2 month old little lady, Della.
I hear some babbling and stirring on the monitor and glance over to the alarm clock:
 "just 15 more minutes D, just 15..."
Today, Della's daddy, Dan, (being the great dad that he is) decides to get up with the little lady so that I can get a couple more minutes of shut eye before starting my day. He starts her morning routine with a diaper change, clean clothes, and a bottle. She plays on her quilt or in her exersaucer until I come down to scoop her up.
7:02: I wake up to squeals and toys shaking on the exersaucer. I make my way downstairs and snuggle with D for a little before I head over to the coffee maker...
I make my morning cup of coffee, see if Dan needs his lunch made, find something for breakfast (usually a piece of whole wheat cinnamon raisin toast and some yogurt), and check my emails, blogs, facebook (you know, the usual) before Dan has to head out for the day.
7:36: Della and I play until she starts to get restless. Usually in her Jenny Jump Up, again on her quilt with some toys, or in her walker.
8:03: Della goes down for her first nap of the day. Sometimes she just plays in her crib by herself during this time, but today she is out! right as I lay her down. This whole teething thing takes a lot out of her.
While she naps - I watch the Today show, blog for the day, put a load of laundry in, throw some potatoes in the oven (D's trying mashed potatoes today!), and a couple other things around the house.
9:36: She's up! Time for some cereal and yogurt for D and more playing. Today she learned how to open the cabinets while strolling around in her walker. Looks like it's time to baby-proof!
I mash up the potatoes and portion them out into containers to freeze. D helps me work on some Christmas gifts and it's time for another bottle.
11:06: Della has her 2nd bottle of the day, and her eyes get heavier and heavier as she finishes. I take her up for another nap.
While she naps, I grab some lunch and do a few other things around the house. Leftover pasta with pesto and an apple sound good today.
12:51: Della's awake! (and I realize I should probably take a shower before we head out) I plop D on the bed with some toys and put Charlie Brown's Christmas in the TV (Gasp! I know, I usually let her watch Baby Einstein DVD's while I shower - Hey! A girls gotta get clean!)
2:35: I feed D her 3rd bottle and then we head out to run some errands.
3:45: We're back, but Della fell asleep on the way home. I quietly bring her into the house but not successfully - she's awake! I check emails, tickle the little monkey, and wait for Dan to get home so we can figure out plans for the evening.
4:25: Daddy's home! We decide to stay in tonight and grill some burger's. Della eats some squash and mashed potatoes while Dan gets dinner ready. We eat and then put D in her PJ's (no bath tonight, which I'm sure Della is not thrilled about - this girl lives for bath night!)
5:40: Della gets her last bottle of the night, and by 6:00 she's off to bed.
Dan and I have a relaxing Friday night in; he works on some school stuff and I paint my nails and drink a peppermint hot cocoa. These are the nights I look forward to most.
So there you have it! Hope you enjoyed a little peak into our life!

And to answer Ashley's questions. . .
What is the most surprising thing to you about being a mother?
How fast time goes! Seriously, people aren't lying when they say "time flies." I constantly find myself saying, WHERE did the last [7] months go?!
What are some tips you would give to new moms, or soon to be mommas?
Do what works for you and your baby, no one else! There are so many different ways to do just about everything that goes along with having a baby, and every baby is different - so do what works for your baby and that you're comfortable with. Also, something I've struggled with is taking other's help when offered. Let people help you! Take time for yourself (and time for just you and your hubby!) once in awhile and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
What are your top three baby products?
1. Patience: This is one thing I had very little of before we had Della, and she is teaching me that being a momma, you need lots of it. And I mean, lots!
2. A Pacifier: We call this Della's binky. She has relied on that thing since Day #2 and we don't go anywhere without it! In fact, we have a stash of 'em at home, because you can never have too many.
3. Seventh Generation Disposable Diapers: We initially started Della on Pamper's, but after many nights (and days) of busting, gel popping diapers, I wanted something that wouldn't irritate her. I'm not quite brave enough for cloth diapering so I wanted to find a happy medium and, ta-da! [insert Seventh Gen!] We love these!


Thanks for sharing with us Amy!

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