December 30, 2010

embrace the camera

I've missed a couple weeks on embrace the camera as far as the posts go... but don't worry, I've got plenty of pictures.  This post will make up for my lack of participation lately.  :o)

 Two weeks ago these were the pictures I intended on posting.  Neither of us were feeling much like embracing the camera, but we did it anyway.  And then I was too lazy to make a post.  Fail.

Chris, me and Ryann at Meaghan's wedding.  Ryann was more than a tad grumpy, not to mention that she hates camera flashes.  Whenever someone takes her picture they wonder why she isn't used to it by now.  Uh, because I never use a flash at home!

Ryann and I with Santa Clause on Christmas Eve.  I had hoped to get the typical baby screaming with Santa photo, but she was so grumpy that I was wearing her for awhile.  It was too much of a hassle to take her off for the five seconds she was going to sit on his lap, so we both participated.  Maybe next year. 

Christmas Eve in the hotel...

 stay back mom, I want that camera!
she is definitely not a lay in bed and cuddle kind of girl.  
more a stick her fingers up your nose and sit on your face kind of girl...

 Some random pictures Chris took this past weekend...

 again, give me the camera people.

These pictures we took last night.  I figured since we all were decked out in KU gear we might as well capture the moment.  Ryann only wanted to hold the camera, obviously.

Ok I mentioned she doesn't like flashes?  She has learned that when she sees the focus light (most cameras have a red or orange light that shines when they are focusing, maybe to eliminate red eye or something?) that she just needs to hold her eyes closed after that.  You have to wait a good five seconds after you focus so you can catch her off guard.  Silly girl.

Whew, so there you have it.  My overfilled but makes me smile embrace the camera post.  I think that covers it, don't you?


  1. What a cute collection of photos. I just love Ryann's facial expressions!

  2. What an adorable little girl! Looks like you all have a lot of fun together

  3. Fun pics ~ such a cute family you have!!! :)

  4. What a great group of pictures from a great looking family.

  5. these are awesome pictures! You have a sweet little girl.

  6. Great pictures! You have a beautiful family!

  7. Where did you get Ry's adorable Christmas eve PJ's??? Love them!
