December 27, 2010

our christmas weekend

Whew, I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.  Ours had it's ups and downs, but overall I think Ryann had a great first Christmas.  She got lots of new toys and books, and enjoyed all the wrapping paper more than anything.

Thanks to some incoming weather, we left a day earlier than planned.  So we hung out in the hotel a little bit, and Thursday evening we hung out at my grandma's apartment.  It was fun to watch all of the little ones try and interact.

Friday we spent some more time at my Grandma's apartment, and headed back to the hotel to change.  Ryann is near impossible to get dressed these days.  After I got her tights on she took off.

Christmas Eve was spent at my aunt and uncle's house.  Ryann was pretty cranky, her mouth was killing her and she hated her dress.  She kept pulling on it and yelling.

 Can you tell she is teething?  This is her night in a nutshell.  And no, she is definitely not sleeping.  Just upset and worn out.

 After a quick visit from Santa (those pictures are on Chris's camera, I'm too lazy to go find it right now) we changed Ry into her jammies.  Between those and a pile of ping pong balls she was a much happier camper.

Christmas morning we had stockings in the hotel.  Then after Ryann took a long two hour nap we headed over to my Grandma's to open presents.  Ryann got just a little bit spoiled :o).

Ryann and her GiGi, my grandma.  I love this picture, even though Ryann doesn't look super thrilled.  She was running on empty.

Ryann slept horribly in the hotel as I mentioned in the previous post.  We weren't sure if it was just the hotel, or if it was her teeth, or staying up too late.  Whatever the reason we decided we couldn't take it another night, so for everyone's sake we skipped out on Christmas dinner and headed home a night early.  I was a little sad, but when we got home Ryann was so happy.

Unfortunately coming back home hasn't helped her night sleep yet.  The last two nights she has been up every hour to two hours, and has a really hard time settling down to sleep.  We are using orajel and tylenol.  Her top gums are so swollen, and now she has an incredibly runny nose.  I hope everything goes back to normal soon, because I feel bad for her, plus Chris and I are pretty exhausted.

Quick funny tidbit.  We got Ryann a collapsible tunnel to crawl through.  When I got it out Saturday night she cried and clung to me as hard as she could.  She was absolutely terrified of the thing.  Since then she has decided it's ok, but it was pretty funny.


  1. When Brayden was teething bad like that, we alternated infant ibuprofen and tylenol every 2 hours, under dr.'s instructions. It made a world of difference! Trust me! :)

  2. The picture of Ryann in just her tights is SO cute! What a beautiful girl you have!

  3. OMG poor little baby girl! All the pics with her hand in her mouth just break my heart. <3 *holds her* :\ Must have been stressful watching her be in pain but trying to share her with the fam! She still looks adorable!
