December 13, 2010

uh. i'm behind.

So it's what, December 13th?  They call them holiday cards for a reason right?

Yep, I have yet to order my Christmas, er, holiday cards this year.  Last year we actually didn't send any (that I can remember anyway, someone correct me if I'm wrong!)  The year before we used a wedding picture.  I figured since there was a baby in the mix now is a good time to make sure I actually do it.

I really wanted to completely design my own card, but uh, go figure, I have an impossible time designing things to use for myself.  There are several sites with some good looking cards out there, but I'm trusting shutterfly to print ours this year.

I've previously used shutterfly to print photo calenders, as well as the thank you cards for our wedding.  The quality was good so I am confident that my holiday cards will turn out great.  With all the photos I'm taking of the baby girl lately, I'll probably throw together a photo book or well twelve.

Here are some of the cute holiday card options they have this year (click on the card to jump to it on the shutterfly website):

What I really love about the shutterfly cards, is that you have so many layouts to customize for the interior.  You can have a bunch of text, text and photos, or heck if you really feel the need, you can cover the inside of the card in photos.  Since I never got around to actually mailing out a birth announcement (mommy fail!) I am planning to have our holiday card double as a belated birth announcement.  The easily customized interior of their folded cards makes that possible.

We took some adorable photos of Ryann for the interior of the card, and even though I'm not going to post the ones I chose just yet (that would ruin a lot of the fun for those of you lucky enough to get our card in the mail!  ha :o) I thought I'd give you a little sneak peek...

Thank you, shutterfly, for offering 50 free holiday cards to bloggers promoting your product.  We all know free stuff makes me giddy.


  1. I am patiently awaiting my 50 free cards from Shutterfly. They should be here any day.

    Little Miss Ry is adorable her hat!

  2. I did the fifty free cards for bloggers thing, too, and they turned out wonderfully! I really like Shutterfly's products.
