January 5, 2011

a day in the life - ashley

Woot!  A day in the life is back!  The next mommy I would like you to meet is an old friend of mine.  I believe she moved to Kansas when we were in 6th grade (am I right Ashley?) or something close to that.  We didn't really hang out with the same crowd, but we had a special connection... she was from North Dakota, and anyone who knows where Minot is (where my mom is from) gets bonus point from me.  Besides that, Ashley is a sweet sweet girl and it has been so nice to have someone I know around the same point in life that I am. 

Ashley is also great with fashion.  Make sure to check out her blog, Style Files.  I hope you enjoy a day in her life!


Hello everyone! I'm excited to give you a glimpse into my everyday life, although I feel obligated to warn you, it's not that exciting.
My name is Ashley.
Mama to a blue eyed babe named Lilly who is creeping up on 20 months old
Wife to Tyler.  We've been married 3 years but have been together for a decade.

4:45 am: My alarm goes off and I inevitably hit the snooze a few times until I finally I crawl out of bed to take a morning shower and get ready for work.
5:45 am: Time for Lilly to get up.  I must brag for a minute because I have a wonderful sleeper.  Even though she has to get up early on weekdays she knows how to sleep in on weekends which I am forever grateful for!

6:07 am: Drop off at Nana's house.  Lilly spends two hours with Nana in the morning before she goes to daycare at 8am.
My mom and Lilly have such a special bond as she cared for her until she was 15 months.  Once she reached the toddler stage Tyler and I decided it was time for daycare.  She needed to learn to play and interact with other children as well as follow rules (outside the home) which would aid in her growth and development.  You know, those simple lessons like
Treat others the way you want to be treated.

6:30 am: Clock in at work.  My day starts early with breakfast and emails.

9:00 am: Morning break-time-I usually spend 15 minutes climbing the stairs in my 14 story building but today I went to chat with my Dad who works in the same department as me.
11:30 am: Lunch time-on the menu today? Leftover whole wheat penne pasta with vodka pasta sauce...YUM!
1:30 am: afternoon break-check Facebook from my phone
3:00 pm: Time to go home!
3:30 pm: Pit stop at Talbots for brown tights.  I realized this morning that mine have a huge hole...not pretty.
4:00 pm: Pick up Lilly from Miss Belinda's or as Lilly says "Binda" Today they made bird feeders out of pine cones and peanut butter.
4:05 pm: Within minutes of walking in the door Lilly asks for "kitty" which means she wants to watch Aristocats.
We snuggle and watch Aristocats until she pulls me off the couch, takes me to the fridge and asks for cheese and oranges.

5:30 pm: Go to my parent's (Nana and Papa) for dinner.

This picture was taken before Thanksgiving, but I adore the smile!

6:30 pm: Bathtime and put on jammies
7:00 pm: Go to visit a family friend who is in town from London
8:00 pm: Go home.  She takes me to the fridge to get a sippy cup of milk.  For some reason, she loves the fridge!
Milk, Prayers, Kisses, Hugs, Bedtime

Once she's asleep I tackle my Stella & Dot TO-DO list, pick out my outfit for tomorrow and pack my lunch.  Finally it's time to cuddle up on the couch with my husband and watch re-runs of The Soprano's.  Ahhh what a great way to end a great day!

Now to answer the three questions:
1. What is the most surprising thing to you about being a mother?
How natural I find motherhood.  I have never once picked up a parenting book.  For some reason, by some power greater than me, being a mother is very natural.  It seems I just know what to.  Perhaps mother's really do have supernatural powers....
2. What are three tips you would give to new moms, or soon to be mommas?
-Take in every moment, it really does go by too fast
-TRUST yourself
-If you need help, simply ask.  Sometimes even superhero's need a side kick.
 3. What are your top three baby products?
-God bless Sippy Cups
-A juicer to make all natural juices
-Bugaboo Cameleon Stroller


Thank you so much for sharing Ashley!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to feature other bloggers so we can get to know wach other. I look forward to futurer posts
