January 26, 2011

a day in the life - melissa

EDIT:  Sorry I forgot to add the link to Melissa's blog!  It should be working now :o).

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Let me introduce you to Melissa, from Jack and the Kumquat.  Her daughter Alice is ADORABLE, so jealous of all that hair :o).  Enjoy a day in her life!


I’m Melissa, Ben is my husband, Jack is our dog, and Alice (almost 10 months old) is the kumquat.

I’m blessed to have the opportunity to be Stay-at-Home mom.
I prefer to say it like, “Stay at Home, Mom!”
Makes me laugh.
The thing is, we rarely stay at home all day.

Here’s a little glimpse into a typical day around here.
Disclaimer: These pictures were taken over a series of “typical" days.
7:00ish- We're up!

First I make coffee (Priorities.), then nurse the baby, and make breakfast and Ben’s lunch.

7:30- Ben is off to work. Alice and I have some play time.

She loves standing at her little toy basket and looking out the window.

I pump.
Like most mamas, I hate the pump.
But, I love the Alice-free time it gives me.

8:30- Naptime!
I’m convinced naps are really for moms, not babies.
I take this time to catch up on emails, Google Reader, and Facebook.
Then, I have more coffee, fold some diapers, Google “can you paint a countertop?” (yes, you can), call UPS about a strange bill, talk to our realtor, and take a shower. 

Post-nap bedhead. It's out of control.

9:30/10- This is when we get out of the house to do fun things…
Baby Time at the library, a Bible study, play group, walk, mom’s hiking group, MOPS, etc.

My child suffers from vehicular narcolepsy. It's a serious condition. 

12/12:30- Nurse the little girl and lunch for me.
Followed by more play time.
The Johnny Jump-up is always a huge hit. 

1:30- Nap time! Wahoo!
I’ve been cleaning the house and clearing out junk during this time.
There’s a sliiiight chance we’ll be moving soon, so that’s keeping me busy.

A clean kitchen makes me happy.

3:00- Time to get out of the house again.
This time it’s usually for errands…
Grocery shopping, bank, Costco, pick up our milk, oil change, etc.
Nurse Alice.

Costco is a perfect place to poo, right?

5- Start dinner.
I would love to start menu planning, but I haven’t yet.
I open the fridge, freezer, and cabinets and roll with what I find.
Tonight it’s pasta with pesto, roasted veggies, and chicken sausage.
Thankfully, I have an easygoing husband who will eat just about anything.
Also, we took the Baby Led Weaning path with Alice, so she eats whatever we eat.

5:30- Ben’s home! We eat dinner and have some daddy play time.

6:30- Alice is starting to come undone.
Time to begin the bedtime routine: change diaper, put on pajamas, stories with Daddy, nurse, and bed.

7:00- Alice is asleep.
Tonight Ben and I veg out; both of us on our laptops.
I have a glass of wine.
Sometimes we read, or play a game, or Ben plays a video game, or I do some sort of craft project.

9:30-10:30ish- We head to bed.

Middle of the night- Last night Alice was up at 10:30, 1:00, and 5:00.
See why coffee is a priority?
I’m super intrigued by Ashley’s sleep training post from the other day.
Oh, how I miss sleep.

Now for the questions:

1. What's the most surprising thing about being a mom?

For me, it's the whole "your heart is on the outside of your body" thing.
I never understood how much my mom loves me until I had Alice.
It's indescribable how such a tiny baby can own your heart.

2. What are some tips you would give to new moms, or soon to be mamas? 

My sister-in-law recently had a baby.
A couple hours after delivery a doctor came in to check on her and the baby.
He told her, "You know what to do, you just don't know you know yet."
I loved that!
So, trust your gut.

Secondly, accept help.
I'm not very good at doing that.
I wish I had allowed friends and family to help out more during those first few weeks.

Lastly, read The Happiest Baby on the Block.
It's a quick read and was a lifesaver!

3. What are your top 3 baby products?

Like many other moms who have answered this question, I'd go with a sling/carrier, a Boppy, and items needed to implement The Happiest Baby on the Block suggestions: swaddle blankets, white noise, swing, and a pacifier.
(I kinda cheated with that last one, didn't I?)


Thank you so much, Melissa, for sharing a day in your life!


  1. I loved reading Melissa's day in the life, and Alice is just adorable!!!

  2. Is there a link for Melissa's blog? I'd love to follow!

  3. Here you go, Amy:


  4. This is so sweet. Definitely heading to her blog to read more :)

  5. Thanks for sharing! I am now going to check out her blog for more!

  6. Just found your blog thanks to Melissa...love it...especially love a day in the life of!

  7. Love the name Alice! So cute. Thanks for sharing your day!
