February 3, 2011

my mouse died

My wireless computer mouse that is.  And I'm too lazy to find batteries.  So I'll have to post my embrace the camera pictures tomorrow.  Because I have no desire to upload them on to my laptop, and I wouldn't be able to edit them at all.


I'm leaving you this ridiculous video of my child.  And when I ask her if her daddy slipped her something, I was completely not serious at all.  Just thought I should clear that up before anyone freaks out about it :o).

And for the record, my crazy baby finished an entire pouch of baby food for dinner.  Not half, not a little but, the WHOLE THING.  Obviously I would rather her eat more table food, but she ate something.  And a whole lot of something.  I'm super excited :o).


  1. This made me happy :) She is so adorable and hilarious!

  2. This makes me excited for when my little one can "talk". ;)

  3. Haha! That's hilarious. She was probably excited to have all her toys back to herself! We had fun this afternoon! I was surprised the twins only slept for an hour when we got home after all the playing they did! Thanks again!

  4. She is adorable & hilarious! Love how she made the craziest face after your joke/question about her daddy. Most of my videos end like that, too...trying to get a bye bye for like 30 seconds haha.

  5. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh my gosh, this is the funniest thing ever! Thank you, Ryann for bringing laughter to my Friday!
