February 25, 2011

so big

You know that game that everyone plays with a baby, but you don't know why... you ask them how big they are, and get them to hold their hands above their head... yeah Ry would never do that for me.  Seriously, I have been saying it pretty much everyday since she was at least 7 months old, if not earlier.  And obviously she came mimic me doing a bunch of other things.  But she wouldn't do 'so big'.  Until two days ago.  She finally started humoring me :o).

And just for fun a few pictures of her eating waffles at breakfast last week...

waffles make her that happy :o)
again, rockin' the hat at breakfast


  1. Ha - yeah, gotta love that "game" :) Annie did this for awhile, and then we stopped saying it to her, so now she's forgotten :)

  2. Cute! Great idea posting videos to YouTube. I use Flickr but my free subscription doesn't allow for many video uploads.

  3. I so love her faces!!!

    We still play the "so big" game. I love it.

  4. Wow, Shelby doesn't do any of that! I occasionally do "so big" with her, but not regularly, and I've only recently started working on parts of the body with her. I asked her where her belly was last night -- no response. Oh well! Guess I'll work on that one. Ryann is adorable as always! Looks like she's eating better for you.

  5. that last picture...LOL...so cute. she is quite the ham!

  6. love your videos! ryann is so cute & smart, too.
