March 11, 2011

party inspiration

Ryann's birthday party is taking over my brain these days.  Just over two weeks to go!  I thought I'd share some of my inspiration photos and parties.

I saw this adorable birthday cake on Sara's Party Perfect via here.  I think all the little ruffles are so sweet.  I am so excited that my friend Jenny will be making a cake very similar to this one for Ry!


I'm loving the yellow stripes and the pom trim on the table cloth.  I saw this monkey party on Kara's Party Ideas, as well as Hostess with the Mostess.


I know I mentioned how much I love Sharstin's blog.  Thanks to her gorgeous party photos I am working on a white cake stand collection, and have made a small army of yarn poms.


I don't know that any of the ideas from this amazing owl party will actually make it in to Ryann's party, but it was too awesome not to share.  Seen here.


And I thought I'd share a picture of the party printables I've been working on for our little shindig.  If I figure out how to set it up, you all just might get a free download at the end of all this.

Screen shot 2011-03-11 at 9.29.45 PM

I feel like her party is still really far away, and I know I'm going to go crazy the couple days before.  Hopefully I can get everything that I want to do finished!


  1. That cake is amazing!!! Thanks for the links to sites with some good party stuff- been looking for my lil mans party which is the beginning of April:)

  2. ah i love a good party!thanks for the shout out girly! party planning is so much fun~ i bet ryan's party is going to be super cute!
