March 29, 2011

the past year

I thought a look at the past year in photos would be fun.  The first is my last belly shot at 38 weeks, and the second is the morning I was induced at 38 weeks 2 days.

 The day the little miss was born...

And her monthly photos...


Yes we had to bribe her with goldfish today.  She absolutely did not want to be even remotely still.  Oh well.  It is so fun to look back at all of these.

As a side note, as fun as these are, I am definitely going to find a different solution for monthly photos whenever we have another baby.  I could never keep Ryann in the same spot at about seven months on, and she was always trying to pull the sticker off.  Sometime (hopefully in the near future) I'll round up some of my favorite ideas I've seen throughout the web.  If you have a great photo project from baby's first year that you would like to share, please do so in the comment section!


  1. Ryann is so cute! I do a weekly picture of my son wearing a white onesie, on a blanket or piece of fabric and photoshop a circle and how many weeks old he is onto it. For the monthly pictures, I have a poang chair in his room from Ikea that he sits in. I photoshop how many months old he is above his head. you can see examples here... and here

  2. so cute.. I love how you you took her pictures each month.

  3. Hi Ashley!
    I love reading your blog! I "found" you on the bump first tri board and have been stalking you ever since! Let me explain myself better, so I don't sound like a weirdo. My due date with my twins was April 8, 2010 ( I think you were right around there.) My girls came early, March 26, 2010 and I think Ryann came the 29. My daughter is Rylan and you have a Ryann. So, I think the similarities are interesting. I love to see what your daughter is doing and how it compares to my girls. I don't blog, but you can see my little ladies on my facebook page. Thank you for being so honest and open about your pregnancy and the first year of being a mom. I could relate to so many of the things you were saying. I truly enjoy reading your blog. You are an amazing mom and Ryann is a doll. Happy Birthday to Ryann and Congrats to you and your husband on making it through the first year!

  4. Happy birthday Ryann!! This was a great letter. I have just loved watching her grow this past year!

  5. Oh, and I'm sure you've seen this weekly pic project, but if not - here you go... all seem to require staying in one spot for at least a second though....

  6. Sweet pictures! Happy Birthday Ryann! :)

    I wish I had done a photo project with my kids. With my daughter I made an ink print of her foot every month. I also took a picture of her with a preemie Cabbage Patch doll when she was born. She was the same size as the doll. I took another picture of her with the doll when she turned two years old and. It's amazing how fast our babies grow!

  7. i loved seeing her grow in the pictures--how adorable! time passes too quickly!
