March 19, 2011

this and that

::  Some of you all may have lost an hour of sleep thanks to the time change, be me?  I gained an hour.  It is amazing.  Instead of Ryann going to bed at 7:45 and getting up at 5:45, she is going to sleep around 8:15, and sleeping until 6:45.  And instead of me being wide awake by 5:15, I've been making it until 6:15 or 6:30 (except for this morning of course, when I was up at 4, 4:30, 5:15 and eventually just got up for the day at 5:35.  boo insomnia).  So much better.

::  I completely forgot that I took (and edited, and intended to post) this picture the other day, but Shawna's project 52 photo for this week reminded me.  This is frequently my view.


::  My mom brought me a catalog this week - - um hello cute little kids clothes!  The website is kind of driving me crazy to navigate, but the catalog made everything look so cute and sweet.  And yes, there are cute little boy clothes too.  They carry clothes for newborns through adults, but I was looking at the 3 month - 6 year stuff.

Screen shot 2011-03-19 at 8.08.48 PMScreen shot 2011-03-19 at 8.08.17 PM

::  Why oh why am I still looking at party inspiration photos?  Ryann's birthday party is basically in one week.  I still have plenty of projects to keep me busy.  But I still catch myself seeing stuff on pinterest and thinking hmmm, maybe I should make that, or do that.

::  Ryann threw a HUGE fit today because she didn't want to wear the skirt or sweater I put on her.  I'll give her the fact that skirts are tough to crawl in, not so practical.  She just laid on the floor whining, pulling on the sweater saying 'noo nooo nooo'.  Ridiculous.  So I put her in jeggings and a 3/4 sleeve sweater.  Well we were out to dinner and she decided she didn't want to wear that sweater either.  So we took it off.  Then she started pulling at her shirt, freaking out and saying off.  Umm no deary.  We wear clothes when we are out to dinner in public.  Oy.  :o)

::  Ryann is apparently a blueberry loving girl now.  I gave her one for lunch on Wednesday, and then she couldn't get enough!  It is great to finally have something we know she will for sure eat, that isn't goldfish!  Really though, the last couple of days I swear she eats more than I do.

That is all for now.  Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday evening!


  1. I can't believe she is already so picky about clothes!! I am not looking forward to the day that Annie starts to care... thankfully now she barely seems to notice, except for a bit if she has something poofy on, or if I put new shoes on her.

    Annie also LOVES blueberries, especially frozen ones - I was scared to give those to her at first but she loves them and has never choked or gagged.

  2. Hey there, just wanted to let you know that frozen blueberries cut in half are awesome for teething!!

  3. I love pinterest! I'm trying to be patient while I wait for my invite, but it's hard. :)

  4. You just made my day!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you!!

  5. she is so cute! & my mom just sent me the link to that site last week--super cute stuff!! :)

  6. I will be sure to check out Nextdirect!

  7. yum--blueberries are where it's at!

  8. Oh my, their clothes are adorable. I want to buy them all! :-)
