June 8, 2011

a day in the life - amy

Thanks to insomnia (and a time change) I am getting this post up on time.  After another day of traveling hell (the way out to Georgia didn't go so well either, I'll get to all of that some other time) we are back in Kansas.  Woot!  Today you get a little peek at Amy's day.  Enjoy!


Hi! I am Amy and you can find me over at All About Addison, though the name will have to be changed soon as baby #2 is on the way this November. Our adorable Addison is now 13 months old (I still can’t believe how fast time flies) and I have been married to my wonderful husband, Adrian, for five years. I work full-time as a fundraiser for a non profit - I adore my job and love going to work everyday knowing that what I do is helping others (as well as my family). It is also an extremely family friendly work environment which makes it all the better.

I am going to share a weekend day with you since that is a little more exciting than wake up, get dressed, drop off at daycare, work, pick up at daycare, eat, play, bathe, sleep. So here is a typical Saturday full of playtime, errands, etc…

6:35am – Wake up and drag myself out of bed. Usually Addison is up between 6:15 and 7:00, lately since she has gone down to just one nap a day, she has been sleeping in. Decide that I should go ahead and get a shower since unfortunately Adrian has to work all day (we both work in events: him college sporting and me fundraisers, so neither really has a typical 9-5 job) – which means it is a mommy and Addison day. Learning to greatly appreciate these days since I know all too soon her time will have to be shared.
After I shower decide that I should go ahead and start some laundry and dishes.
7:08am – Hear Adrian’s alarm go off for work. It also wakes Addison up. I can hear them playing so I finish the dishes and throw a bagel in the toaster.
7:19am – Grab Addison so Adrian can get ready for work and give Addison her breakfast

8:03am – Finish getting ready and off to the park we go. Lately the temps in NC have been unbearable (high 90s every.single.day) so decide to go early so that we can get some outside time in before I melt and realize that I love the park this time of day – not too many people and it’s still not too hot. Addison has a great time trying to keep up with the older kids. We just moved into our new house a few weeks ago and the park is right around the corner. It is awesome having a place we can walk to.

9:22 – We get home and ready to go out for errands.
10:05 – Arrive at the mall. I need to pick up my bridesmaids dress for my friend Sharon’s wedding. Unfortunately I had to order three sizes bigger since I have no idea how large I will actually be in September. I look at size of dress and want to throw up. Run into a few other stores that I need to pick up items at and since we are already at the mall, I decide to run into the maternity store to find some pants that actually fit. No such luck and Addison throws a fit in the changing room. Off to lunch we go.
11:15 – Grab some lunch in the food court. Chick Fil A for Addison and a less healthy Steak Escape for me (apparently size of dress has not affected me too much). Addison eats pretty well – a few bites of chicken, throws some fries on the floor and eats all of her yogurt parfait.
We are sitting next to two teenage girls discussing lying to their parents, boys and girl drama. I realize that this will be Addison some day and cringe. So not ready for that.
12:20 – Addison falls asleep as soon as we get in the car. Luckily I get her into the house without waking her up. I had grand plans of finishing some things around the house. Instead, I read Bossypants (Tina Fey’s new book and it’s awesome!) and fall asleep on the couch.

2:35 – Addison wakes up, so we play in her room for a while and then get ready to meet up with my friend Holly.
3:53 – Do a little more shopping with Holly (and I actually find some work clothes that fit – SUCCESS!) Addison eats her afternoon snack while we are strolling around the mall.

6:15 – Decide to check out Greek restaurant for dinner. Addison loved her cheese pasta and was having fun playing with her spoon (she loves utensils). Apparently another diner didn’t enjoy Addison playing with her spoon and complained to the manager (she hit it on her plate a few times). Let me add that I am not one of THOSE mothers. I am completely cognizant if my child is being disruptive in a restaurant – she cries, we walk outside; she drops food on the floor, I clean up every.single.piece before leaving. I was PISSED and the fact that there were only five tables filled in the restaurant pissed me off even more. Total Mama-Bear came out in me (and this has really not happened yet) and I wanted to go over and scream at the lady who complained. Oh and my food – sucked. Needless to say, will not be returning.
7:35 – Addison again fell asleep in the car. Poor thing, she isn’t used to so much car time during the day. I bring her inside and hold her for a while (and silently seethe at the old biddy who complained about my wonderful angel).
After I get Addison to bed, I would like to say that I did something productive. I didn’t. Adrian got home around 8:30. We watched some tv, I played on the internet/facebook/blogs and then we both went to bed around 10:30.

1. What is the most surprising thing about being a mom?
How much love I can give. I am constantly looking at Addison and thinking “how did I ever live without her?” She is our world and every single day revolves around her.
2. What are some tips/advice you would give to new or soon-to-be mamas?
The best advice I received was “do what you think is best and ignore what everyone else tells you.” Everyone loves to tell you what you should do but only you know the best decisions for your family.
And never judge another mother. Prior to being a mom, I frequently used the words, “well I would never…” After your child arrives, you may as well throw all of those previous opinions out the window. You will do whatever helps you and your child in that moment – as you should.
3. What are your top 3 baby products?
1. Pacifiers – any kind. Pacifiers were one of my “I will never…” I was an idiot. Pacifiers rock.
2. Gerber Yogurt Drops – seriously these things are baby crack. All Addison has to do is see the bag to become the happiest baby ever.
3. Boogie Wipes – grape scented. Addison still screams bloody murder when I wipe her nose but it’s at a slightly lower decibel. And I kinda love the smell.
4. (Sorry couldn’t narrow down to three) The inflatable duck bath tub. Best.thing.ever. Addison loves it in and out of the tub. I put it in the bathroom floor when I am getting ready and throw some toys in there and she adores it. No clue why but it allows me to put on makeup and dry my hair so I don’t ask questions.


Thanks a bunch, Amy, for sharing your day with us!

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