July 10, 2011

week in iphone pics

Bear with me.  I have three weeks of phone pics that I never shared.  I want them on the 'ol blog so they stay in my little digital scrapbook.  These pictures are coming at you from the week of June 20th.  I really need to try and do these on time, because I don't have much to say about all of the pictures, my memories are slipping that quickly!  AHH!


Monday  ::  Ryann demanded that Papa read 'Nama Nama' (Llama Llama Red Pajama).  We drove back to KC.  Some chalk time, of course.

Tuesday  ::  Somebody was being a little ham during snack time, I love me a happy baby.  Oh, chalk time, of course, are you surprised?

Wednesday  ::  Silly early bird already into the books at 6am.  A morning trip to the park.  An afternoon trip to the park.  We let Ryann walk around the lake, roughly .4 miles.  She was exhausted!  Hence the meltdown.

Thursday  ::  Ryann was amused by the fact that we brush the kitties.  She was trying to help.  More park time of course.  And a little waterplay.

Friday  ::  First day in a long time (MONTHS!) that daddy had to go to work.  Ryann and I rocked it.  Daddy came home and we played with bubbles.  Snuggling with Simon (the monkey).  Max likes to get in on the action during bathtime.

Saturday  ::  Daddy took Ryann for a walk while I got some stuff done.  She fell asleep.  Whoops.  I suppose that is what happens when you frequently get up at 5:30AM!


  1. Love your blog. Not sure if I've ever commented before. :) I was wondering what program you use to display your photos in a block like that. Thanks!!

  2. I use Adobe Photoshop to make all of my collages. I just put together all of the photos into one image, and save for web and devices. Then upload to flikr!
