August 18, 2011

embrace the camera

Me and my little babe at the 5K on Sunday...


And I had to throw these in here, because they make me smile.  They represent so much of what life is right now.


I'm doing my best to be present for Ryann.  To always be there when she wants or needs me.  She is changing so quickly, growing so fast.  So even though it might get annoying when she interrupts me to draw the ten-thousandth circle, I'm going to do it.  Because it makes her so flipping happy when I draw another one.  And pretty soon she will be drawing circles all by herself.  And not needing her mommy at all.

She is becoming such a big girl.  I love watching learn and grow, but how do I slow down time?


  1. wow you look amazing even running!!

  2. =) Cute pictures. You're looking REALLY good!

  3. ABSOLUTELY deliciously CUTE! Hooray for a 5K!

  4. You're so right about being present! I have a 15-month old and I 'm always reminding myself to let the dishes wait while I sit down and read her another book (Brown Bear for the millionth time!) or do a puzzle.

  5. Fun "embrace" pics! She's a cutie!
