September 14, 2011

a day in the life - beth anne

Well, some of you may know her better at Blair, but I'm so happy to have Beth Anne on the blog today.  I pink puffy heart her blunt writing style (I only wish I was as brave as her sometimes!), Harry is pretty stinkin' adorable, and her hubby wears a KU hat.  That pretty much stole my heart of course :).  On top of all that I have her to thank for kick starting my weight loss journey.  So pretty much, she rocks.  Enjoy a peek at her day! 


6:00am, it's wake-up time!  The first alarm goes off & my husband gets the dog set for the morning as he has breakfast & I hop in the shower.  Since I take much longer to get ready (blech to curled hair & make-up & pencil skirts) while my husband gets to roll out of bed & throw on jeans, he's the one to get Harrison ready.  Coffee is poured while I grab my snacks & lunch, then we're out the door by 6:55am to get a head start on traffic.


My favorite part of the morning is after our commute, when Harry & I sit down to breakfast together.  The Momma is usually there, so she & I chat over a cup of coffee.  I love seeing her every morning.


8:00am, the work day begins.  It usually takes me about thirty minutes to fully caffeinate, check in with my team, & read emails.   I like to give my clients until 9:30am to wake up & get going, so I usually try to work on paperwork in the early morning.


11:30am, I rush out into the sunshine to meet my friend Pretty Swell for lunch.  She wraps me up in a warm hug & we laugh about motherhood over sandwiches & the usual cupcakes we always order.

12:30pm, back to the office.  ::sigh::  You know that weird post-lunch nap that you want to take?  I'm feeling it, but it's time to meet a client so I slap a smile on my face & get down to business.


5:00pm, quitting time!  I race to pick up Harrison & we start our evening commute.  It's tedious as always but I try to chat with Harry on the way home, practicing animal sounds & pointing out things.  Soon it will be dark on the ride home, which means he'll watch his DVD player.  We're usually home around 6pm, greeted at the door by a very excited pup.  My husband is usually home by then, so we load up on popsicles & beverages & head outside.


6:30pm, we head inside.  I start dinner & the boys wrestle upstairs or watch Cars.  Either way, the house is VERY loud at that point!  I start a bath, lay out jammies, & the small boy gets scrubbed clean by his daddy.  We both help dress him in jammies, then he kisses the dog goodnight & climbs into his toddler bed.  We kneel down & say prayers - this is a new part of my routine that is melting my heart on a daily basis.

7:15pm, Harrison is in bed & the oven timer is usually going off!  We serve up dinner & usually eat in front of the television.  ack, it's a terrible habit that we have!  My husband usually goes for a run with the dog & I sit down to write, answer emails, edit pictures. (or just piss around on Twitter)


10:00pm, lights out!  Night, y'all :)

1.  What is the most surprising thing about being a mom?
I think the biggest surprise for me has been the joy I find in toddlerhood.  So many people are "infant" folks but talk about the "terrible twos" & how wretched discipline can be.  Yes, it is testing & hard, but I am truly soaking up Harrison's age right now.  He's so fun & exploring & doing something new all the time.  I love watching him become this little person that I am so, so proud of.

2.  What advice would you give new or soon-to-be moms?
Give yourself time to adjust to motherhood.  I wish I had been more gentle with myself on my expectations of how I would mother, how it would define & change me.  Give yourself time to lose the baby weight, to get back in the routine of working out & cooking.  Sometimes it's just about survival as a new mom & remember that it's not permanent.  You will get normal life back!  (we'll see how good I am at taking my own advice when we have baby #2!)

3.  What are your top three baby products?
oooohh, I love this question because I love seeing all the different answers!  For the first year, the Moby Wrap was an absolute must for having free hands with a fussy newborn.  I also loved big fluffy blankets from Target & fleece Carter's sleepers for a fall/winter baby.  I rarely dressed Harrison in an outfit - I preferred to just keep him in cozy sleepers all day until he was about 6 months old.


Thanks for sharing your day with us Beth Anne!


  1. I love this idea! I can't wait to do "A Day in the Life!" I'm inspired to actually learn how to use my camera :)

  2. Awww… saying prayers together sounds amazing. I hear that statistically kids raised Christian always are more caring.

  3. love blair and her "oversharing"! i agree with you, i wish i was as brave. isn't she the best?

  4. Very cute, BA. I have never done a "day in the life" post but it would be, well, similar to yours. But just add one boy :)

  5. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that enjoys the toddler age better than an infant. I was just too sleepy to enjoy mine as a baby.

    Another great day in the life!

  6. Fantastic! What an enormously full day! Thank you for sharing.

  7. xoxoxo

    thank you so much for having me!!

  8. When does Harrison eat dinner? Not being snarky, just genuinely curious - by your timeline above, he's in bed before dinner is ready.

  9. I'm guessing he eats a separate dinner around 5, before he ever gets picked up from Grandma's house, but obviously I'm not 100% sure!

  10. Great post. Good for you for making time with your husband each day. I'm not in a relationship, but I know many people that are and spending time with their spouses is at the bottom of the list for nearly all of them.

  11. Love this - I have pretty hectic days too as a working mom, but I find that the routine helps everyone.
