September 26, 2011

i am a runner

Six months ago, I would have told you "I can never be a real runner.  It's too hard, why would anyone want to do that for fun?"  Three months ago I would have probably told you "I'm not really a runner.  Sometimes I walk.  I don't go that fast."  Now, in the midst of training for a half marathon, I still have a hard time looking at myself as a runner.  But the truth of the matter is, I am one.

I am a runner.

Yesterday Meghann from Meals and Miles completed the Augusta Ironman 70.3.  She swam, biked and ran for a total of 70.3 miles.  Are you kidding me??  That is crazy.  But she posted on Saturday that she was having a hard time calling herself a triathlete, because she is so new to the sport.  But let's think about it, she has completed a triathlon (more than one!), therefore she is a triathlete.

Just because you may not win races, or can't run an 8 (or 6 or 7 or 9 or 10 or whatever) minute mile, doesn't mean you're not a runner.  If you want to be a runner, all you have to do is run.  Do you have an interest in running, but think you are too out of shape, or there is no way you could ever do it?  I suggest you read this post by Ali of

This week, I can truly say I think I am falling in love with running, and dare I say, am addicted to it?  On Thursday while Ryann was at MDO, I decided I wasn't going to spend the whole day in the house cleaning.  I wanted to get out and enjoy my freedom a little bit.  I decided on a trip to Home Goods.  Whoa, crazy, I know.  :)  Anyway, for some reason I couldn't enjoy myself and check out all the goodies.  I felt weird without Ryann.  I really missed her and it was making me all emotional.  The really crazy thing though, was that instead of wanting to eat pounds and pounds of chocolate, I wanted nothing more than to jump out of my car and just run.

That, people, is PROGRESS.

Screen shot 2011-09-25 at 10.04.01 PM
from the Race for the Cure, photo by Action Sports Images
as a side note, when I showed Chris that picture he said "wow it looks like you're power walking or something."  I could have smacked him.  I thought it looked like I was running really fast.  I mean I know my form sucks but hey...

Not that I always really want to do my runs everyday or anything.  It is so mental, I'm pretty sure almost every morning I try and talk myself out of running for a million reasons, but somehow I make myself do it anyway.  Yesterday morning was no different.  My legs were sore, it was a little chilly, and 8 miles sounded terribly long.  But I sucked it up and laced up my shoes anyway.

The first mile was brutal.  My legs were cold and tight and all I wanted to do was turn around, go home, and have my mom make me waffles or something.  Thankfully just after passing the 1 mile mark I started to feel a little bit better, a little warmer and more awake.  The second mile flew by and the third wasn't too terrible either.  But the time I finished my fourth mile I was starting to wear down again, and with the route I was running I was getting closer to home again.  Extremely tempting to just head home.  But I didn't.

I told myself once I hit 5.5 miles I could take a little walk break.  Why I decided on that distance I have NO idea, but whatever.  Except when I hit 5.5 I was going down a hill and feeling pretty good.  So I kept running.  I went about another mile before I started feeling really tired again, but when I realized I had under 1.5 miles to go, I decided to just suck it up and keep running.  I was ready to be done.

I finished 8.43 miles in 1:17.  Are you kidding me?  I covered nearly 8.5 miles yesterday morning!!!  I'm pretty sure I'm going to feel like that every week until I finish this half marathon.  I still can't believe I'm doing it.  Only crazy people run for fun.  (Wait.  I'm pretty sure we all know I'm crazy).  I really wanted to run around the block screaming with my arms in the air I was so proud of myself.

If that doesn't make me a runner, I don't know what does.

But then again, I've actually been a runner since March, haven't I? 

Do you consider yourself a runner or an athlete?  Why or why not?


  1. Way to go! Sounds like an awesome run!

  2. I do consider myself a runner. I am like you. I say I am not fast. I am not super consistent. I definitely don't look awesome running. But- I run! You started me on this journey! Introducing the C25K to me- turned me into someone who doesnt necessarily enjoy getting up super early but feels like I NEED that run to start my day!

  3. I LOVE LOVE this post!! It really bothers me when someone has run handfuls of 5k or 10ks, even halfs, and are still afraid to call themselves a runner. If u run and love it and want to be a runner... U are a runner!!! :) people worry too much about how their running compares to others.

  4. Nope, I don't consider myself a runner at all, mostly because I still *hate* running.

    But, I am starting to get to that point where I really want to work out every day...and that's good.

  5. I also like you love running but I have kinda fell out of it since moving to higher elevation. But now being almost 6 weeks pp I am forcing myself to get back in it because I can take the baby in the jogger. I love reading your posts and cant wait to be able to star running more than one mile at a time like I can now

  6. love it chick! you are a runner, and you are kicking some trash!
    Let me tell you--running is one of my passions, and i don't know what i would do without it--my therapy for sure:)
    hoping for a PR in my marathon on Saturday!! eek!

  7. Way to go! You are always such an inspiration. I really want to start running but cant seem to find that get up and go to actually do it.
