October 2, 2011

week in iphone pics

This was another one of those weeks that I was so thankful to be close to my parents, thankful that they take great care of me, and thankful that I have the ability to pick up and head to their house when Chris is going to MIA for awhile.  We had such a good time with Grammy and Papa!


Ryann just chillaxin' in her peacock pajamas.  Funny thing about those jammies, when I ordered them online (during the Old Navy baby sale), I SWEAR I ordered heart pajamas.  I went back and checked, nope, I'm just an idiot.  They weren't hearts, they were peacocks.  The good news?  Ryann is completely smitten with her peacock pajamas.  "Wearing the peacocks!!"  A grocery store trip was necessary to feed me and Ry for a few days.  A little retail therapy during nap time, hooray for new jeans!  The weather was great for an afternoon boat road.  And after dinner Papa and Ryann helped Grammy water the pots.


It was a wee bit chilly for a morning walk with Ryann, but she wanted to look for the llamas (yes, there is a house close to my parents that have llamas).  Ryann rocked some super cute boots while we ran errands... a trip to a running store in an attempt to find me new shoes (unsuccessful, I tried them out on the treadmill, I don't like them) and a stop at Babies R Us to stock up on diapers (if you bought two boxes you got a $20 giftcard, score!).  Whoa!  We let Ryann drive the boat!  Ok so maybe it was in the driveway on the trailer, but whatever.  And Ryann's Rock face is definitely coming along nicely.


Tuesday was when we played at the Children's Discovery Center.  Stacking big blocks is lots of fun of course.  While we were at my parents Ryann was able to talk to daddy on the computer.  It was pretty funny to watch.  Another evening with perfect weather meant a walk to look for the llamas again.  Ryann was pretty obsessed with her Papa, and enjoyed playing all his instruments with him.


At some point we took the seat out of the exersaucer, I think we tried to convert it to the play table or whatever, but it wasn't sturdy so we put it back in a circle form.  Ryann discovered that she could get inside it and play, fun stuff.  Huzzah!  There was a llama at the zoo, made Ryann's day.  She was a goofball while we shopped at "Obby Lobby Lobby" (not sure why it needed two Lobbys) and tried on a funny gorilla hat at the dollar store.  My bestie stopped by to see us after nap time, and Ryann put her to work coloring, complete with ridiculous requests for pictures of gorillas and castles.  We scored some glow sticks and bracelets at the dollar store, and had a little bathtub rave thanks to pineterest.  Ryann didn't like the lights being off though.


I slacked on my picture taking on Thursday, it was the day we made our way back home, I drove Ryann straight to 'school', she wasn't amused.  After Ryann was done at MDO we did some grocery shopping.  And we played in the bed after daddy had to go to work for the night.


Ryann seriously had a party in her carseat when she realized we had pulled into the gym parking lot.  And she was extra excited when we got a spot in the front row so she got to walk in all by herself instead of me carrying her.  Later she was determined to get inside the diaper bag, I have no idea why.  Daddy spent a good chunk of team reading the little miss Tails.  She has fallen in love with that book again.


Sushi date night, woot woot!  No joke, we inhaled that plate of food in less than ten minutes.  Christopher was irritated that I wanted to take a picture of him eating, but he loves me so he was a good sport about it.  We came home in time to give Ryann a bath and put her to bed.  That last picture?  Totally makes my heart melt.  LOVE seeing those two playing together.

'twas a good week, how was yours?

Linking up with Amy!


  1. Love the picture of her talking to her dad on the computer! It made me laugh out loud.

  2. Great pictures! Now I want sushi. And peacock pj's :)

  3. great photos, so so cute!

  4. ooooh that sushi. Just makes me want to cry almost. I have a date coming up with a fellow pregnant to go get cooked sushi because we both have been craving it something fierce. It's ridiculous.

  5. That picture of her talking to her dad is hilarious!

    Love your blog! Long time lurker, first time poster :)
