Weeks are starting to seriously fly by around here. I'm not complaining, but wow. They really go fast, even when the evenings seem really long. Just need to keep reminding myself of that!
Sunday morning we did a tour of grocery stores, well Whole Foods and Trader Joes anyway. Ryann scored her second sucker, she loves those things like crazy. Except that one had to go because she started biting it. Oops. Ryann and Daddy watched football while eat lunch, that is just what Sundays are for. Goofy girl on our way to the pumpkin patch. And walking on giant tires, it is definitely the cool thing to do.
We were in the bathroom brushing out teeth (Ryann usually sits on the counter). She decided she wanted to put on a little show for herself in the mirror. Between the teeth and just being a toddler, everything is incredibly dramatic. Especially when I won't give her snacks all day long. I need to invest in some incredibly cheap packs of stickers, those things can keep her entertained for long periods of time. Post bath pictures... the second shot? She tooted. She finds that rather hilarious these days.
Cheezin' it up in her a little bit too big fleecy frog pajammies. And no week can be complete without a trip to Target. Really it can't. I promise. Ryann decided to rearrange the pumpkins on the porch. And we finally made it to HyVee to stock up on some other necessities. If the Target by my house was a super Target we might finally be able to eliminate the HyVee trip from the week, but apparently touring grocery stores is cool so whatever.
Wednesday morning I put in my first run after the half. I took it pretty easy, running a mile then walking a tenth. It definitely wasn't the most comfortable run I've done, but I survived, and overall it felt good to really get moving again. After the gym we went to Monkey Bizness with some of our little buddies. There is a slide that Ryann can 100% do all by herself, and it makes her so stinkin' happy. Which of course makes me really happy. Lunch makes her happy too. It was definitely a chilly afternoon compared to what we've been having, so Ryann and I played inside with books and headbands instead. She likes to make me wear a whole bunch at one time. And she wouldn't keep it on very long so I couldn't get a great picture, but that last giant flower is the same one she is wearing in this post. Yeah, it is still HUGE.
It was our day to bring snack from MDO, and of course I wasn't prepared, so a quick grocery store run was in order. Ryann insisted on carrying around a thing of pepper. Whatever. I spent the majority of my day cleaning, as usual, but also put in some time working on a new design. In the end I didn't like it, go figure. Sporting my new fall jacket from Target. Stickers... seriously, so much entertainment. Whodda thunk? Taking some crazy pics to send to Daddy since it turned out he wouldn't make it home before bedtime again.
I told Ryann is was super cold outside, so she wanted to wear a hat. I thought we could put the new Missioni hat and gloves to use that I got. Turns out non ear flap hats aren't the best look for her, but she thought the mittens were pretty cool, and weird. Another attempt at the run. This one went a little better, but my knee is still bothering me. Going to keep taking it easy-ish I guess. I was in love with Ryann's outfit that day. The headband didn't last of course, but she looked so cute. We went to WalMart in search of white sweats, no go on those, but Ryann scored a puzzle and an Ostrich. The evening was pretty perfect weather, so Ryann and I went on a walk sans stroller. She loved it. Then she helped me water the flowers.
We picked out sassy boots to wear for the day, so we had to send a picture to Daddy. The weather was great so after the gym we walked to the park. It was another outfit I couldn't get enough of yesterday. My daughter is always dressed better than me :o). Daddy got to come home! Daddy got to come home! Oh, and Ryann asked to wear her mittens and hat when she woke up from nap. Silly girl. While I was getting dressed Ryann raided my shoes. She loves to pull out all the heels and look at them. No joke, she pulled out a pair of black stilettos and said "Papas shoes. These papa's shoes." I have NO idea. No, my father does not wear black stilettos. Sorry Dad. And we were going to try and wait until she was 2, but lately Ryann has been super fussy in the carseat and was starting to seem a bit cramped, so she got a whole new view in the car! It didn't really help, she still threw a fit about being strapped down.
Linking up with week in iphone pics and Insta-Friday.
adorable photos, looks like a great week!