December 5, 2011

keep it realistic

With the holiday season in full swing, and the parties, sweets and amount of goodies only increasing as it gets closer to Christmas, I thought I'd mention keeping realistic goals in mind when it comes to weight loss and fitness.

Unless you have some extreme amount of will power, an awesome motivating factor and the worlds best support system, now is most likely not the time to make drastic lifestyle changes.  Trying to lose weight over the holidays is a pretty daunting task.  Could it be done?  Absolutely, I'm sure it could.  But it would take a lot of restraint and dedication.  And starting on a weight loss journey right now could be setting yourself up for failure.  For me, too many bad weeks would be excuses to give up.  Nobody needs excuses to give up.

Maintaining weight loss, or even simply your current weight, is a success all on its own.  So throughout this holiday season set realistic attainable goals.  For me personally, the easiest thing to keep up with is my workouts.  I have a hard time saying no to the temptation of delicious food and sweets, but I can combat my lack of willpower with a good workout 5-6 days a week.  As much as I can say, 'oh but we're so busy, there is so much to do!', because of course, there is, the truth is you can get in a good workout in 30 minutes or less.  30 MINUTES!  So if you haven't become a gym junkie like me (seriously, it has gotten kind of silly, I get an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach if I don't go to the gym or go for a run everyday), maybe your goal is to get a solid 30 minute workout in at least 3 times a week throughout the month of December.

If you're interested, here are my goals for the month:
  • complete a 30 min (or greater) workout at least 5 times a week
  • run/walk at least 15 miles a week**
  • complete at least one solid strength workout a week
  • only gain between 0-2 pounds

Notice none of my goals are food related.  Like I said, for me personally, I know that is 100% my weakness.  Now I'm not planning on indulging in whatever I want whenever I want and going completely crazy off the deep end or anything, but I am also being realistic.  If I set a goal to only eat one sweet at a party, or to stay in my calorie budget a certain amount of days or something, I'm pretty sure I'd have more failures than successes.  But for the month of December I have started recording my food choices more diligently again.  I figured even if I wasn't trying to stick to a certain number or anything, seeing everything I'm putting in my mouth written down would keep me in check.

One tip I would have to combat overeating at parties... drink lots and lots of water.  Yes, I know a lot of you are like 'hey crazy chick, parties are for cocktails'.  Yes, I know, have some of those too if you want, but I have found that making myself drink 8-16 ounces of water before going back for seconds of something, either A) slows me down enough to make me realize I'm full, or B) at least slows me down in general.  I just grabbed a cookie from the dessert table?  Now I've got to drink a bottle of water before grabbing another one.

Hopefully some of the rambling was helpful to someone :o).   If you want some more tips on staying healthy and in check this holiday season, Megan over at Muncher Cruncher is posting a 12 day series of Holiday Healthy Tips.

**  Sorry Krissy and Kelly, I don't think this whole marathon thing is going to work out for me right now.  I think it is safe to say I'm a fair weather runner, and a morning runner, and in Kansas right now that would mean lacing up my shoes when it feels like 13 degrees outside.  I'll pass on that.  And I don't love the treadmill enough to put much more than 6.5 miles in at a time.

I do have hopes of running the Rock the Parkway half in April.  Who said they were probably doing that one??  Amy, was it you?  That would be fun :o).

What are your goals this month?


  1. Thanks for the water tip! I have also found tracking my food to be important because it makes it very clear when I overeat! Good luck with your goals!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had some lofty loss goals for this month...but, I'm quickly realizing that it might not be in the, I will continue to move more and try to make the best possible choices at meals to counteract some of the bad...

  4. Totally agree with this post! I am right there with you on your goals. I know watching what I eat just isn't practical this month, so I will start back in January! For now I will just run, run, run! Totally understand you not being up for marathon training over the winter. I much more enjoyed training over the summer for a fall race, then I have doing it in the cold/dark winter for a spring one. We will definitly have to get together one of these seasons!

  5. I understand and agree with Krissy- hopefully our paths will cross someday :) Waking up at 5am and lacing up is my least favorite thing in the whole wide world in the fall and winter. There have been two mornings so far that I had icicles in my hair after a run!! I have the same goals as November though- log as many miles as possible each week and try to keep my eating habits in check! I like the advice about water. I am so bad about sneaking a cookie (or three) or what I like to call "drive by" snacking. Gotta watch that ;)

  6. Yup that was me that said I might do Rock the Parkway. A bunch of my running friends are doing the Little Rock half around that same time but that one is a little expensive when you factor in race cost, hotel, travel, food etc. Think I will stick closer to home.......and stay with Sarah, ha!!

    I am glad I got to meet you and Ryann this weekend, I am not gonna lie I felt like I was meeting a celebrity, my husband totally rolled his eyes at me when I told him that. I have a few pics of you and Ryann with Santa, do you want me to email you them?

  7. i think those are great realistic goals! to attempt to lose weight this time of year is crazy. to maintain or gain a pound or two is great!

  8. I am so glad I read this post b/c I was beating myself up the other day about indulging! I was thinking how hard december is going to be to actually lose wt, but after reading this I realize that i need to set up some realistic goals and hit it hard in January :)
