December 9, 2011

random links


I'm currently procrastinating designing our holiday cards.  Why is it so terribly difficult for me to design stuff for myself?  I decided sharing a few links would be a more effective use of my time.  As a completely random side note, if pinterest doesn't get its act together soon I might have to go on a pinterest strike (I'm pretty sure that is a lie, but seriously).  I just freaking want to search things!  Come one pinterest!

  • I wish I liked coffee, or tea, or some sort of warm drink, so I had an excuse to have one of these cups.  I mean I'm sure I could use them for my water, but that seems kind of lame, doesn't it?
  • Does anyone shop for clothes at Victoria's Secret?  I rarely have, but there are some sweaters that look cute... 
  • I made these cookies this week.  The dough tasted AMAZING.  And then I think I baked them a touch too long.  They aren't as soft as I was hoping.  Huge sad face :(.  But that hasn't stopped me from eating several.  It is junk food central in this house right now.  Healthy eating fail!
  • Pretty sure Ryann's party will include glitter.  Loving the sparkly heart on these invitations.
  • A little boy battling leukemia has a wish to receive 1,000,000 holiday cards in the mail for Christmas since he won't be able to go home.  You can get details here.
  • My mom upgraded to an iPad 2, so I was the lucky recipient of her first model.  I want a new case, and am currently obsessed with all things sparkly.  Think this one could be reliable at only $4?
  • Love this idea to save old holiday cards.  It is making me wish that A) I hadn't thrown away cards we received the last couple of years and B) we received more Christmas cards :o).

Ok.  Back to designing stuff.



    1. Ha! I spent sooo long doing Christmas cards today, and I've posted twice today, due to my super long to-do list :)

    2. I am so glad to read I am not the only one having problems with Pinterest. I get so frustrated with it. I just want it to work so I can waste huge amounts of time. :(

    3. So two things. First, I just sent out invites with a sparkly gold circle cut out, inspired by that same design.

      And second, I feel you on the whole designing your own stuff thing. I've just finished a bunch of cards for other people and now FINALLY have an idea for our cards. Of course, I need to take a new picture and Adam is out of town!

    4. Bri I am most definitely going to want to see the invites!!

    5. I love that idea for Christmas cards! I wish I hadn't thrown all of them away last year....!!!

    6. Anything Nutella is amazing. Have you tried the Nutella hot chocolate yet??? That would be amazing in the pretty warm cup :)

    7. Ugh... I am so glad I'm not the only one that hasn't finished her Christmas cards yet. And I'm not even designing them myself. I wish I could since NOTHING online really makes me want to order them. So once I finally found something that I like ok I have to wait for them to get here in the mail and then send half of them to Germany... which pretty much means they won't get their before Christmas :-( Every year I tell myself I'll do the cards in November but yeah... that never happens ;)

    8. Don't feel bad about the cards. We haven't even put up our tree yet!!! Also, I'm totally mad at you for posting those Heather Bailey cups. I do drink warm beverages, and I have an unhealthy obsession with Heather Bailey fabric!
