January 4, 2012

a day in {my} life

Seriously, I cannot believe I've been running these posts for well over a year.  Thank you so much to all of the women who have volunteered to let us peek at your day.  I hope everyone is finding new blogs to read, and learning from other moms out there.

Today you get yet another look at a day in my life.  Lately it doesn't feel like the days change all that much, but it is still fun (and kind of exhausting) for me to try and detail the whole thing.  I hope you enjoy!


December 30th, 2011

5:00am:  I start tossing and turning in bed.  I've turned into a bit of an insomniac again, and it is driving me crazy!  Chris's alarm goes off just before 6:00am, and around 6:30am I give up on falling back asleep and hop on the laptop.

6:44am:  The little miss starts chatting it up with herself in the crib.  Guess it is officially morning time!  I quickly throw on my workout gear before going in to see her.  She immediately asks for two things, her vitamins and for me to read Corduroy.  She recently discovered that book on her shelf, and I've read it a bajillion times since.  After reading the book three times, I convince Ryann to let me get her dressed so we can have breakfast.  I make us both some peanut butter toast, she has hers with a side of blueberries and milk, I top mine with 1/2 a smashed banana and grab my camelbak.  After breakfast we head to the family room for a little bit of playtime.


8:28am:  We are in the car on the way to the gym.  I call my mom nearly every morning at this time.  Even if I have nothing to tell her I feel like I have to call her.  Love you mom :).  Even though I'm not in the mood for the treadmill, I manage to cover 6.2 miles.  I'll take it.

10:04am:  We are done at the gym and heading back home.  Ryann starts freaking out in the backseat because the sun is in her eyes.  Of course all of her sunglasses are at home.  Mommy fail.  When we make it back to the house it is time for a snack.  Ryann has grapes, bunny grahams and milk, because she throws a giant fit when I offer her water.  I make myself of bowl of yogurt with oatmeal squares and raisins.  After snack I really want to get some picking up done around the house, it has been a disaster for quite some time.  But Ryann insists that I color with her.  So I do.


11:40am:  When I turn the oven on for Ryann's lunch, I sneak a snicker's out of the candy jar.  Then I realize I am absolutely starving, so instead of eating more candy I opt to make my own lunch and inhale it while Ryann's is cooking.  I use some leftover chicken taco filling and lettuce to make myself a taco salad.  After putting my bowl in the dishwasher, I finish putting together Ryann's lunch:  salmon stixs, a fruit cup and the water she refused at snack time.  After lunch I try and clean up the kitchen, wipe down the counters and grab the vacuum to deal with an excessive crumb situation.  In the meantime Ryann drags half her toys from the family room to the living room.  I guess I'll be dealing with that later.  Oh well, the kitchen is clean, I read Ryann a few books and get her ready for nap time.

the ginger had to eat lunch with us.  they were having a conversation :o).

12:58pm:  Ryann is in her crib so I jump in the shower.  Then I hang out on the internet for a while, reading blogs and working on Ryann's 21 month post.  Chris only had a half day of clinic, so he is home around 2pm.

2:53pm:  I had turned the monitor off because it tends to interfere with our wireless internet, and was surprised to hear Ryann singing songs in her room.  It wasn't necessarily a short nap, but not really a long nap for her either.  She usually sleeps until at least 3:30.  Oh well, Ryann and I have a snack, apples and pretzel fish for her, a Sargento cheese stick for me.

3:28pm:  We all head out to best buy in search of a new printer for me.  Unfortunately they don't carry any large format printers in the store, and I can't yet imagine not having the ability to print larger than 8.5x11.  Silly, because I rarely ever print things that large, but I know as soon as I purchase a smaller printer I'll want to print posters or something.  We make a pit stop at Caters before heading home, I had a punch card that expired on the 31st that I wanted to use.  When we make it back home I do a little speed cleaning.

before we left to run errands.  an extremely attractive picture of the both of us.  (i hope you can hear the sarcasm.)

5:10pm:  Christopher's mom arrives, with a stuffed dog you can color with markers and Bambi.  I swear neither Grandma ever arrives at our house empty handed :o).  She is watching Ryann for us while we head to a holiday party for the evening.  We don't need to leave until after 6, so while they play together in the family room, I spend a good chunk of time putting on make-up, fixing my hair and trying on way too many different outfits.  Why is it I never feel like I have the right thing to wear?

we've been trying to teach her how to hold up two fingers.  apparently it is really tough.

6:36pm:  Christopher and I head out to party sans child.  This rarely happens.  I feel a wee bit giddy knowing that we will get to stay out past 8pm!  The party is hosted by my bestie and her mom, so my parents are there as well.  It was an incredibly fun evening, and Sheryl did an amazing job with all the food.  I ate A LOT :).


11:34pm:  I can't believe we stayed out until 11pm.  That may not seem very late for most of you, but for us home bodies who rarely use a babysitter and have a kid that wakes up before 7am?  That is LATE.  I play on my laptop a bit before finally rolling over and going to sleep.  Good night!


That about sums it up!  I've got a (mostly) new list of moms ready to share their days with you, scheduled through May.  I hope you are still enjoying the series!  Have a good one :o).


  1. I so envy your daily gym time. I sold my treadmill last fall, because there just wasn't room for it with all my girls stuff. And since I quit my job to stay home with the gals, there isn't room in the budget to pay for a gym. So, I'm chomping at the bit for spring, so I can get out and walk again.

  2. You weren't in the mood for the treadmill and still whipped out 6.2 miles?!? That is awesome. I need to get better about making myself run on the treadmill. I always opt for the elliptical at the gym, but if I'm going to start training for a longer run, I know I will need to switch over sooner or later. :) Keep up the good work! It's encouraging!

  3. You go girl! treadmills and partying!:-) xoxo

  4. Those adult-only nights are a rarity now but so fun! Salmon sticks...I always try to find new foods to try to give my Nora. I wonder if she'd like something like that. And I wonder if they'd be good for us in fish tacos...

    Enjoyed your day!

  5. That red belt rocks my socks!
