January 12, 2012

embrace the camera

Chris was gone from before six in the morning until sometime after eight in the evening yesterday.  Which it was just me and my girl yesterday.  We went to the gym, had a little play date, wasted some time at Target, and after the wee one insisted on taking a shower instead of a bath we had a little photo shoot.  Of course.  :o)


Go forth and embrace (I'm aware that I'm weird).  And make sure to visit Emily's blog to join in with everyone else!


  1. This is great! And I have that same shower curtain :)

  2. I love these pics! Your shower curtain and Ryann's bath towel are too cute!

  3. So cute, that smooch one is my fav:)

  4. Love the last one!

    P.S. I'm running my first half marathon on Sunday. Would love some good vibes from a fellow runner! ;)
