January 14, 2012

project 365... err... 366

It would happen that on the year that I truly decide to embark on a project 365, it is a leap year.  Thus it is a project 366.  The pessimist in me thinks great, just one more day to fail or forget, but really it should be one more opportunity for a photo I love right?

My project is very much inspired by Andrea of Pink Sugar Photography and her 2011 project, Lila Was Here (you can find Andrea over at adventures in pinksugarland as well now).  Her photos are nothing short of gorgeous, and I love that she captured some of the simplest little moments in an amazing way.  Amber over at Happiness is Eva is also partaking in a similar project this year.

I'll admit, I struggle with a project like this, because I feel like if every picture isn't perfect or a showstopper, than what is the point?  But after just 12 short days, even the photos that I don't love make me super happy when grouped with the others.  I'm not quite sure how I plan to share all of these on the blog... weekly, daily, whenever I feel like it, we will see.  But for now I thought I'd post January 1-12 before I get too far behind.

Honestly one of the hardest things for me is figuring out how I want the type on the photo.  I know I could easily leave the type off, and include it as a caption or something in the book I absolutely WILL print at the end of the year, but both Christopher and I agreed we love how the type looked on Andrea's photos.  And with as many random stories and lengthy monthly updates that I share about Ryann, I think just a quick little one to three word title or explanation is nice.

Ok, enough blabbing.  The pictures thus far:


This project is definitely going to be a challenge.  But I love that it is forcing me to pick up my camera everyday.  And it is encouraging me to get out my camera at times or places I usually wouldn't.

Anyone else doing a photo project this year?


  1. Im also planning on doing the 365 (well 366 day) project as well. I just need to start posting all my pictures now :)

  2. My favorite is the one of her coloring. Such concentration! :) Great job with these, and what a cute little model you have!

  3. I love these pictures! Keep it up, it'll be an amazing collection of history for you and Ryann! (And I want to see more too :)

  4. Your photos and captions are awesome! They look so good! I love love love the budding artist one. It's such a beautiful photo! Good job! Can't wait to see more and see the finished project! :)

  5. I love this!!! I had been thinking about this alot as well and I have been taking pictures since Jan. 1st every day now but never sat down and put them together. Seeing yours gave me a push. Thanks for posting this!!!

  6. Beautiful! Great job so far!!!

  7. i have been working on a photo project, but mine is very random. i think i'm going to post a weeks worth of photos once a week since for me posting everyday has been a challenge. i feel like i have have been blogging, facebooking and pinteresting way too much and feel like i'm neglecting the hubby. we will see, but i love what you are doing. your pictures are just beautiful! i can't wait to read your photography tips and share what's in your bag. the picture of ryann splashing in the tub is so cute. great job so far!

  8. I love this! I am doing a "first year" album for Charlotte--taking a picture of her every day for the first year of her life. I'm using some digital scrapbooking software to put it together in a 12x12 album. She's 7 months old this past week, and I have been able to keep up with it! And I love it! However, I love this idea even more. I like the typing on the pictures with just a few words and the time of day the picture was taken. I may have to do this for her second year? I'm not sure yet! Looking forward to see how your Project 366 ends up--your Ryann is just too cute!

  9. I love your photos so far! I've been following your blog for a while, and your pics have seriously improved! (Not that they were ever bad, or that I'm one to judge that.. hope it doesn't sound that way! I'm just super impressed with these pics of Ry!) Anyway, I love the moments you've captured- good luck on keeping it up all year! I opted to do a Project 52.. wasn't sure I could commit to a 365.. maybe next year! :)

  10. Aww I love these! And thanks for the little shout out! I didn't realise you read my blog :)

    ps I completely understand what you mean, I too look at some of my photos and don't think they are "worthy", but I agree as part of the collection they fit.

    Look forward to following along with your journey :)
