January 8, 2012

week in iphone pics

Well really, two weeks.  And it is a big of a mess this week.  I've been really bad about taking pictures with my phone the last couple of weeks.  I think partly because we've been doing lots of stuff that I've carried my big camera for, and partly because I just got lazy.  But no biggie.  So here are two giant jumbled messes of pictures from the last two weeks.


Things to mention... yes, my child has underwear on her head.  I showed her the underwear we bought for her, and told her if she wanted to be a big girl we could wear it.  Later I found her digging it out of her drawers and putting it on her head.  No joke.  The Missoni trench?  I can't stand the cuteness.  And all the yellow balls, she got mine out for me :o).  And the last shot is of her in Best Buy while Chris and I were trying to look at printers.


Oh, and there are several shots similar to the one above in my photo library now.  Ryann loves to play the music on my phone from the lock screen, but with the newer software the camera button is also there.  I appreciate the easy access to the camera, but man, I have a lot of pictures of Ryann from the nose up.


Things to mention... we brought all the beanie babies out of  my parents attic.  My sister and I had an absurd number of them.  Ryann freaking loves them.  At least it wasn't all for nothing right?  :o)  A cheeto dust covered smile (thanks Christopher), some extreme post nap bed head and just a whole bunch of cuteness.  Chris and Ryann snuggled in the bed?  I love it.


I really need to get instagram or something where I can put filters on the pictures afterward for the occasional pictures I take with the regular phone camera (I usually use hipstamatic).  Nonetheless, serious accessorizing has become pretty popular around here.  I love it!

Maybe this week I'll be better at taking pictures from day to day, but we shall see.


  1. The outside picture in the plaid jacket and stocking cap just kills me. Way too sweet.

    My girls also like to play music and take pictures on my iPhone. Such trouble makers.

    I use Hipstamatic and Instagram. I like the effects on Hipstamatic better, but Instagram is easier to share. On the other hand, all the pictures you take on Instagram get shared and I prefer to just select a few to share, so I find that using them both works best for me. Just a thought.

  2. Underwear on the head - I am sure we have all done it! Too cute! Love her little trike in pink, we have it in red at our house! Ryann is the cutest little fashionista!!

  3. Ha, my parents have all my sister's old beanie babies and Annie loves them too - in addition to all the 80s plastic food and baby dolls. She seriously will play with that stuff for days!

  4. Wait a minute...you have an iPhone but don't have instagram!?! Thats madness Lol! I have an android so no instagram. I use lemeleme though. Sorta works, instagram would be way better.

  5. Ha, I love all these Picts of ry, she is so cute:)

  6. I know it's blasphemy in the iPhone community, but I don't love Instagram. I do, however, love Camera+. Cropping, rotating, TONS of filters - it's awesome.

  7. Funny how my 16 month old knows how to work my phone better than I do - just last week while she was playing with it in lock mode, I heard music starting to play. I have since learned if she pushes the button twice, my iPod comes on. Who knew! And we just learned about the camera feature this week too. Guess my phone is no longer safe in lock position!

  8. There are so many good ones, but my fav is her laying on the floor coloring! How cute.

  9. Ryann is such a little doll! My daughter, Finley, is about than 5 months younger than her and I look forward to her doing all the sweet/cute/funny things Ryann does! However, underwear on the head already happens here too! Isn't it so hilarious?

    I love these posts so much!
