February 1, 2012

a day in the life - caitlin

Good morning and hello February!  Craziness.  I can't believe how fast time flies lately.  Any exciting plans this month for anyone?  I've got lots of design work and birthday decorations to finish.  I am going to be BUSY.

Looks like I'm not the only one with a lot on my plate.  Caitlin's day made me tired!!  I hope you enjoy a peek at her day seeing how she makes it all work :o).


Hi!  I’m Caitlin from Mrs. MidAtlantic.  I’m a working mom to Laura (age 2) with a baby boy due in May.  Our daily adventures include my husband, Nate, and our rambunctious labradoodle, Riesling (age 6).  We have a hectic weekday schedule, getting Laura to and from daycare three days a week, with both of us working full time five days a week.  Laura gets to stay home with Grandma on Thursdays and Fridays (and with her Grammy this past week!).  Nate is a Certified Financial Planner, and works some crazy hours.  I work for a museum in Washington, DC.  I’m documenting this Monday, as it was one of our more “normal” day care days.  Thanks for reading!

6:00 – I grudgingly get out of bed. I don't want to get up! I hop straight in the shower, since Nate and my mom both need to shower right away this morning, too.

6:30 – I'm showered and dressed, with my wet hair in a ponytail (it’s just not convenient to blow-dry today, with my mom also vying for the dryer), and my usual make-up applied: foundation, eyeliner, and mascara.  I pop into Laura’s room and turn on the light to get her started.

Since she seems to be extra sleepy this morning, I head downstairs to take care of Riesling.  I drink some chocolate milk and pack Laura’s lunch (prepped last night) while the dog eats her kibbles. Then I let Riesling outside to relieve herself and head back upstairs for Laura.

6:40 – Laura is wide awake now, and asks me what time it is. Seriously? Did my only just barely two-year-old just ask me for the time??? I laugh as I tell her 6:40. She nods approvingly and slips her arms into her outfit for the day.  Maybe she’s amazed that we’re not running late this morning?  I am very good at running late on random weekday mornings.  But I’m also very good at getting everything done on time on the mornings that really matter, like today.  Today is Laura’s first day in the two-year-old room, and I want her new drop-off routine to go smoothly!  (I also need to get my mom to the airport in time for her 8:30 flight and catch my train to DC!)

7:03 – We are at school, figuring out this new classroom drop-off.  We put Laura’s lunch in the special bin, and head back to the early drop-off playroom.  Laura looks so small next to all the big kids already playing!  She looks a little apprehensive, but one of the big girls invites her to play.  My heart swells with thanks for this HUGE four-year-old who is being so sweet to my baby!  Laura will be perfectly fine as soon as I leave, so I high-tail it out of day care and head to the airport with my mom.

7:20 – I drop my mom off at the airport to head home. A Grammy's work is never done; she'll get a quick nap at home today before hopping in the car to watch my niece overnight.  We were really lucky to have my mom with us all week, so I guess we can share Grammy with her other granddaughter!

7:35 – I just caught my train!  It's really crowded for some reason this morning, and I was one of the last on at my stop.  Finding a seat is tricky, but I'm visibly pregnant at this point, so a kind gentleman offers his seat. I gratefully accept!  I catch up on Facebook and some blogs during the ride.

8:00 – I disembark from train for the final leg of my morning commute: a brief walk across the street.  Most mornings, I just trudge with the other thousand commuters, head down, to make it to my building.  This morning, I enjoy the fresh, cool air, and I look around at my breathtaking surroundings.

When I really stop to think about it, it’s pretty amazing to be working a football field away from the United States Capitol!  What a view!  I head to my desk to get settled in for the week, check Facebook compulsively, and check my calendar for some weekend events Nate and I are discussing.

8:46 – I decide that I’d really, really like some coffee (and a bagel!) for the 9am meeting I have with my boss for a new project I asked to be a part of.  I am pretty excited to be included in what is now a two-person team.  We have weekly status meetings, which are usually pretty quick.  I could probably get the coffee after, but I still have 14 minutes!

12:00 – I made it to noon without eating my hand!  Time for lunch with my coworkers!  We mostly really like each other, so we gather in one of the two conference rooms most weekdays to dine and socialize.  Today I had chicken tenders, French fries and M&M’s from the cafeteria in my building.  Fried food… it tastes so good in my tummy!

4:24 – It’s time to go home after a really busy day!  I head back across the street to catch the train back north.  I decompress on the ride, and take a quick nap.  I need as much energy as I can get to make through the next four hours.  Being pregnant sure is tiring!

5:40 – I pick up Laura from her first day in the Two’s room.  She had a rough afternoon, since she didn’t take a nap with the other children.  This new nap schedule (on a cot!) will be a tough adjustment, but we’ll get through.  Laura’s a little cranky, but we need groceries!

6:30 – Home from the grocery store, and I immediately get to work on making meatloaf for dinner.  It’s Nate’s favorite, but takes an hour to cook.  Laura’s not in a mood to eat much of anything, so I don’t worry about making her wait.  She requests eggs, then refuses to eat them.  Four strawberries and two bites of “ogurt” later, she is done with dinner.  Her eating (or lack thereof) drives me crazy, but it's also not worth arguing over every night.  She had some milk and strawberries in the grocery store, so I guess she's just more tired than she is hungry!

7:15 – Nate’s sister stops by to drop off one last birthday present for Laura.  Maria is a very welcome distraction for us all.  Laura is obviously overtired, and needs to see someone different for a few minutes while Nate and I eat dinner.

7:54 – Maria heads home, and Laura goes straight to bed, 36 minutes early.  She’s had a long day, and the week is only just starting!

8:21 – Dinner is cleaned up and Laura’s lunch is ready for tomorrow.  Nate, Riesling and I collapse on the couch.

9:42 – I decide I just don’t care what happens in the TV show we are watching, so I head upstairs.  I’m in bed by 10:15.

11:15 – Nate andI are awoken by Laura crying.  She has a really high fever – that explains a lot about today!  Guess she’s not going to school tomorrow!  While I’m usually not a fan of co-sleeping, I decide this situation requires an exception.  Laura and I snuggle into the guest bed, and we all fall asleep till morning.

What is the most surprising thing about being a mom?
For me, the most surprising thing about being mom has been how much I hate changing diapers!! I changed a gazillion of my younger sister’s diapers back in the day (I’m nine years older), and babysat all through college.  I never once minded changing a diaper until becoming a mom.  Maybe it’s been different as a mom, since I know there aren’t any parents coming home at 10pm to pay me and take me home!

What advice would you give new or soon-to-be moms?
Try not to set expectations for yourself for what kind of mom you'll be. Let yourself just experience it all. Take it in. You will love certain parts of being a mom and hate other parts; that’s ok!  Just don't compare yourself to an ideal- or anyone else!

What are you top three baby products?  
  1. Hands down, my favorite baby product so far has been the Halo Sleepsack.  Laura is in her third winter, and I can’t imagine how I would have kept her warm enough through the night those first two winters.  I actually wish I could still put her in one now!  I just can’t quite justify the use for a two-year-old! 
  2. My husband says our ExerSaucer was one of the best products.  Laura started in it really early and stayed in it really late.  She loved all the activities and bouncing.  We loved that she was entertained in a stationary – and safe –manor!  She got a great view of the family activities from there, too.  Our new baby will definitely be in it. 
  3. I also really loved the wooden Carter's highchair we got for Laura.  She’s not using it anymore, but it was both beautiful and functional – with a great price tag. 
Thanks for having me over today!


Thank you, Caitlin, for sharing your day with us!


  1. And in a total twist, I'm home with a sick Laura today! Not missing the commute :)

  2. Ah bummer for her being sick! What fun to live in DC!! Loved this and soon I will get to do my day!

