February 29, 2012

a day in the life - lorryn

Good morning and happy Wednesday everyone!  This morning I woke up to a rousing rendition of 'row row row your boat' as loud as can be over the monitor at 6:30am.  It was ridiculous.  If only Ryann could take a lesson from Lorryn's little cutie, Alexis, and sleep until 7:30... :o).  I hope you enjoy a peek into Lorryn's day!


Hello fellow readers! I'm Lorryn - mother to a 6-month old doll named Alexis {aka Miss L} and wife to my childhood sweetheart and best friend. I work {part-time} in marketing 1 day/week at the office and some from home daily. I started blogging at A Modern Family to share our life experiences with others. Somedays I feel like Jane Jetson living in a house with remote-controlled lights, touch faucets and a wi-fi fridge. At the same time, our faith and budget keeps us grounded and challenged. We enjoy little travel-filled, technology-forward, responsibly-budgeted lifestyle and perhaps others would like to see inside our world. Below is a glimpse of my typical Tuesday...specifically Fat Tuesday!

6:30 a.m. - open my eyes long enough to kiss my hubby goodbye as he dashes off to work.

7:30 a.m. - Miss L begins playing in her crib - I let her wake up on her own terms as I do the same from the comfort of my bed.

8:00 a.m.- I bring her into my bed for her first feeding of the day. There, I lie with baby girl next to me and our sweet kitty cat nestled between my legs, at this moment I truly feel like Mother Hen.

After nursing, we go downstairs to play. I turn on The Today Show for some background noise and the occasional news story of interest. Miss L started crawling this week, so I am thankful I can watch her while I make myself a little breakfast sandwich- a little ham, egg, veggies, & cheese - and finish the dishes from last night.

10:00 a.m. Miss L goes down for a nap in her crib, and went down without a peep. Ahh..silence. This is my "Power Hour": I have to be uber-productive. I stop in our bedroom and make the bed, toss dirty laundry in the hamper, and spend about 10 minutes getting myself put together {teeth brushed, make up on, hair-slightly done and an outfit sans spit up}. Then, down to the 1st floor where I flip on the Coffeehouse Sirius radio station...and open my laptop. This is my time to work, work, work. I created a weekly fill-in chart of activities, meals and to-dos {See below} It is arranged by day/column and then category, which helps me stay focused, organized and keeps me from the distractions of Pinterest and crappy daytime TV.

11:20 a.m. Miss L wakes and we're back to play time, some bouncing in the jumperoo and reading a book or two! I take the jumperoo time as an opportunity to make some lunch for mommy and prepare a little taste of solids for Miss L. With her cold lately, we haven't been pushing solids too much. More so, giving her frozen fruits and veggies in these mesh little baby popsicles.

1:30 p.m. Nap #2: More work. I try to make phone calls while she is napping, both business and personal. I multi-task as I conquer a few household chores that I projected on my weekly chart. This time Miss L wants to play a little in her crib {Apparently, I made her nursery decor too stimulating, she loves looking at the vinyl wall decor}. I turn on my Angelcare 3-in-1 video monitor {best baby item, see below!}... I turn on the timer so I know exactly how long she has been in her crib. The thermometer on my mointor handset keeps me posted what her room temperature is...which is important as I an running a warm humidifer.

6 - 8 p.m. Currently, every Tuesday, Miss L and I attend a local parent and child class directed through our school district's E.C.F.E. {Early Childhood Family Education}. Minnesota is very family-oriented and we try to take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow. Plus, we are new to the Twin Cities and it helps get me out of the house and spend time with other new moms. With that said, we usually are on our own for dinner on Tuesdays - each of us grabbing a little something on the way home or to class. With this Tuesday being Fat Tuesday, we made plans to meet up at TGI Friday's for a "Dessert Date!" Plus, we are giving up sweets {cake, cookies, candy, & ice cream} for lent...so this was one last taste. I failed to take a picture of my delicious, peanut butter pie while at the restaurant, so please excuse the stock photo below.

9ish p.m.  Arrive back home to get Miss L in her pj's, nurse her, read a book and placed in her crib. Then, I do this race around the house that I do every Tuesday night as I prepare for her to go to daycare tomorrow {I work mostly on Wednesdays}. Bottles made, diaper bag packed with a plethora of burp cloths and clothes. Then, to my briefcase, purse, breastpumping supplies and laying out my clothes for the morning. This is a routine I loathe...I am extremely thankful that I only have to do this once per week and give a ton of credit to the moms that do this dance every single night. By 10:30 p.m. We are heading to bed, to watch a little more TV and relax. Good night!

1.  What is the most surprising thing about being a mom?

Just how much fun life can be with baby! Every day she makes me smile.

2.  What advice would you give new or soon-to-be moms?In those initial days/weeks/months, stay in your pj's/robe until you have slept for at least 8 hours for the day {collectively}, that way if anyone knocks on your door and sees your 'wardrobe,' they will make their visit brief and leave you alone {to sleep!}. Also, fly while the babies are free {and easy} - Miss L completed her 12th flight prior to 6 months old.

3.  What are your top three baby products?

First and foremost, the 3-in-1 video monitor by Angelcare. The video has great clarity, the temperature gauge is nice, the timer is used everytime to keep track of how long she has been napping and the peace of mind of the detector mat sensing her every breath is priceless.

Secondly, MyBrestFriend, the nursing pillow. I received two Boppy pillows as gifts and within a week after delivery went and purchased MyBrestFriend. It provides great support for your back, the cushion contours in front help position the baby and the sewn in pocket is helpful for "nursing supplies" on demand such as lanolin or nipple shields.

Lastly, the Cloud B Sleep Sheep. This battery-operated, portable noise maker is extremely helpful, day and night. The larger version is attached to her crib and boasts 4 sounds including one to mimic the sound of mom's heartbeat from the womb. The "On the Go" version is attached to the car seat, at all times, and has been a lifesaver while doing some mall walking or anywhere with distractions.

Thanks for reading about our world and thank you to Ashley for inspiring women like myself to express ourselves in this blogging community of amazing women.


Thank you for sharing your day with us Lorryn! 

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