March 18, 2012

week in iphone pics

Another week down!  I think I will feel like I am counting down weeks until Chris is done with his residency.  Only like 120 or something to go...

Ryann wants to help with stuff more and more.  She was helping Grammy make some french toast sticks (which she liked!  wohoo!  add another item to the menu.).  Ryann was a real gem while we ran some errands.  And every toddlers dream came true for Ryann, a bounce house in the backyard.  She had a blast.  We spent all afternoon outside, and Ryann was feeling it.  She had to take a little rest on the driveway.  After of course she insisted I draw her blankie, owl and ginger there for her.


We ventured out to grab some candy for the birthday party.  Ryann was having a difficult time not touching everything.  She was a goof while we ate lunch.  And she finally rode one of the rides at the mall.  Usually she says she wants to, be freaks out right before I turn it on.  This time I just did it when she wasn't paying attention.  Thankfully she absolutely LOVED it.  During nap time I got to work on some birthday party decor.  Ryann put on my socks and shoes and told me she was going running.  She also had her first taste of corn on the cob.  Another success.


Ryann tried to pretend she doesn't like going to Target, but it was a joke.  This kid always asks to go to Target (and look at the toys).  Ry and I made our way back home to KC, and she passed out on the way.  And stayed passed out for about 30 minutes after we got home.  I got a little bored.


Err, trip number two to Target in one week (this time was for groceries though).  Ryann insisted on NOT being in the cart.  She came across these bunnies, "Look mama!  Peter Cottontail!"  I spent most of nap time staring at the spinning wheel of death on my computer.  Thankfully I was able to ressurect it, for now.  Post nap Ryann looked a bit crazy, as usual.  And I spent the evening assembling some wedding invitations.


If you needed any proof, humidity has indeed made its way back to Kansas.  Her crazy curl hair is sometimes tough to deal with, but boy to I love those curls.  A little strawberry snack on the counter, she wasn't too impressed for some reason.  Little miss ready to hit the park for the second time that day.  And oh to be a toddler.  "Mama, I just want to lay on the bench.  Sing me a song."  Well alrighty then dear.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I wanted to start the day off with some green pancakes, unfortunately I tend to suck at making pancakes.  No worries, I rallied and the next eight pancakes turned out much much better.  We made these peanut butter pancakes, Ryann approved.  The day before Ryann had dumped a ton of bird food on the patio, and Saturday afternoon she was able to watch tons and tons of birds hanging out and chowing down.  My silly little girl showing off her green apples at lunch.  After nap I put together a little rainbow snack.  Ryann was impressed.  And she LOVED checking out the fishies when we went out for sushi.

How was your week?

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog. I found it from another blog roll. We are in such a similar situation as you. My husband is finishing his 3rd year of medical school with 1 to go before his residency starts. I have a 2 year old boy and a 4 month old boy. I love seeing all that you and your daughter do together. You always seem to be having fun. What type of medicine is your husband going into, and how long is his residency? I am nervous about residency because I am sure the hours are crazy and I will never see my hubs!!

