April 29, 2012

week in iphone pics

Happy Sunday to all of you, and Happy Birthday to me!  Yep, today is my birthday.  Although birthdays don't really seem all that exciting right now.  Yahoo, I'm 26.  Go me.  But people are making me feel special all the same so I'll take it :o).

Anyway, a recap of last week via my iphone...


Sunday Chris and I drove to my parents to pick up the wee one.  I'm happy to report that everyone survived Ryann's first night away from me.  I think she missed us, and Grammy and Papa were exhausted, but we survived :o).  We were going to let Ryann nap there, and then drive home, but she just wasn't falling asleep.  So we hopped in the car thinking she would crash.  No dice.  She was a spaz in the back for the majority of the trip.  I tried to blog anyway while we drove.  Of course shortly before we made it to town it got rather quiet in the backseat.  I turned around to see some mean looking sleepy eyes.  Sure enough, she passed out about 15 minutes from our house.  We decided to go with it, and ran a couple errands to let her nap a bit.


Started the day and week off right with a barbell strength class (I believe also known as body pump and many other gyms).  Always a good workout!  For some reason Ryann was a mess the rest of the morning, incredibly clingy and whiny.  "Just hold me mama."  So I obliged.  She took a three hour nap (I woke her at 4, I don't care if you aren't supposed to wake a sleeping kid, I just don't let her nap past 4).  It must have been a good nap, check out that bed head!  Later the hubs and Ry were being goobers while he was outside grilling. 


After the gym we met up with some friends at the children's farm in town.  Ryann was enjoying watching the geese run around.  However all she talked about for the rest of the day was how we saw a peacock but it didn't open its feathers.  I think she was pissed about that :o).  Apparently all the walking around the farm wore her out, because I had to wake her from another 3 hour nap.  We spent the afternoon coloring away.  Her crossed little footies and cute ponytail were making my heart swell.


The sass monster was in full force during breakfast.  Grammy came to play with us, and we decided to go on a long walk.  It was wonderful, and Ryann did great with some shade and her mini magnadoodle.  Chris got to come home at a decent hour so he played outside with Ryann while I did some baking (veggie muffins and coconut krispie chocolate chunk cookies).  Seriously, how cute are the two of them sitting together?  Swoon.


Apparently the last two weeks at MDO Ryann hasn't napped.  Instead she has sang for nearly the entire 90+ minutes the kiddos are in their cribs.  The teachers say it is cute, but I find it hard to believe my kid singing for over an hour while you're trying to get 9 other children to sleep is cute.  I worked in childcare.  That totally wouldn't fly in my room.  It was a gorgeous afternoon, but Ryann pleaded with me when we got home to please please please get out the ball pit.  So I did.  Later she made a disaster with all her toys.  Typical.  Also typical is being crazy in the bath. 


Friday we went to visit my friend Emily and her two month old baby, Brooks.  But let me back up a bit, we were bringing lunch for all of us, as well as dinner (brought overnight meatball casserole, Em said it was good!  Perfect easy dish to take to new mamas).  For lunch I was planning on bringing cashew chicken wraps, so Chris had grabbed a rotisserie chicken from the store the evening before.  Well I went to shred the thing around 10:15am (we were supposed to be at Emily's at 11:15), and IT WASN'T cooked.  Like incredibly pink on the inside.  I was so surprised/ticked/at a loss.  I turned on my oven and tried to cook it, but it too almost an hour.  Ridiculous.

Anyway, eventually we made it to Emily's with lots of delicious food.  Ryann agreed to hold Brooks, but quickly freaked out :o).  That afternoon she took over my coloring book, as usual.  Then I impressed myself by making a complete train track, with only one piece left!  Ryann told me I couldn't touch her sharp knife.  Kid, if it is a sharp knife I would suggest not using your leg as a cutting board...  


We met up with my parents out at The Legends.  They were taking us out to lunch for my birthday.  We did a bit of shopping, and I think I need to go back.  It has been a while since I'd been and there are some good outlet stores out there!

Linking up with Amy!


  1. Happy Birthday! Hope your enjoying your special day!

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like a fantastic weekend...Ryann gets more and more precious, if that's even possible!

  3. love all these picts! happy 26th gal!!

  4. Dang, you make me feel old ;) Can't believe you're the same age as my baby sister, since I really can't imagine her having a 2 year old :)

    Happy birthday!!

  5. Yesterday was my birthday too! I turned 31 though...ollld woman! Hope you had a great day.
