May 29, 2012

saying goodbye

Our world lost an amazing woman last week.  My grandma passed away Thursday night.  Losing someone you love is never easy, but I am comforted by the fact that I know she is with my Grandpa now.  She has missed him so much, and I am thankful that pain has been taken away.

My grandma was a classy lady, but a lady who knew how to have a good time.  She raised six amazing boys.  Anyone who can survive six boys with a smile on their face, well, they are definitely something special.  She certainly was.  She has left quite a legacy.

Her mashed potatoes were my favorite.  I'll miss the way she went through every name in the family before getting to mine… "Sar-Liz-Mich-Lor-Al… ASHLEY!"  She used to make me a plate of bacon for breakfast when I was little, just for me, just because it was my favorite.  I loved watching her in the kitchen.  She would bring cookies to my parents for the 4th of July from a place in Omaha, and she would always hide on of the double chocolates on the bottom just for me.  She was such a wonderful, fun and special woman.  I admired her a lot. 

Recently, every time I talked to her my grandma would tell me how much she loved my blog.  She loved being able to see pictures of Ryann, and reading about our lives.  Even though we didn't see each other often, she always felt a part of our life.  She told me she checked it everyday, except Wednesdays.  Because she didn't care what those other people were doing :o).  Because of that I will try to never stop blogging.  I hope wherever she is, she has access to a laptop.  Grandma I won't stop writing for you.  I love you, I miss you.  Give Grandpa a big hug for me.



  1. Ashley, I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Losing someone you love is never easy. I will be thinking about you!

  2. So sorry to hear this. Thanks for sharing some of your special memories, she sounds like a wonderful lady.

  3. Beautiful post. I'm so very sorry to hear about your Grandma. Losing someone special to you is never easy. She sounds like such a wonderful woman :)

  4. I'm so sorry to read this Ashley. Your family will be in my prayers!

  5. Thinking of you & your family Ashley! That second picture is priceless! So Sorry for your loss

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss, Ashley!

  7. That's terribly sad. I'm so sorry.

    What great pictures to have as memories forever.

    Such a sweet lady....

  8. So sorry to hear that! She sounds like a fantastic lady. I will be thinking of you and your family today

  9. Ashley I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds amazing and that is amazing she got to meet R. I lost my grandmother in Decemeber and it wasn't easy,she also got to meet my son which made her and I so happy. Your family is in my prayers.

  10. It's easy to see what a lovely woman your grandma was. This post is a beautiful tribute. Big hugs.

  11. What a beautiful post. So sorry to hear this.
