May 25, 2012

that's what she said

Ryann:  "The pumpkins are boys."
... and then she walked off.  I have no idea.

Ryann:  some words that I understood, but didn't make sense in a sentence
Me:  "Um, sure."
Ryann:  "Did you understand me?"
Me:  "Kind of."
Ryann:  "Are your listening ears on?!?!"

Me:  "Ugh.  I don't want to clean the kitchen."
Ryann:  "Mommy, if you don't want to, you don't have to!"
Oh my dear, if only the world worked like that.

Ryann, while in her crib, supposedly going to sleep...
"I had a little turtle, her name was little Ryann, I put her in the bathtub to see if she could swim like a fishy.  And she sits on the potty.  And she does little poopies.  And big poopies too.  Cause she's a big girl.  Yeah yeah yeah!  Monkey see, monkey do, come meet monkey in the zoo..."
All of this was one continuous song.  Yep.

Me:  "How bad do you want a cookie?  So bad?
Ryann:  "But I'm a good girl!"



  1. BEST post yet! Love her facial expression too. "pumpkins are boys", that's hilarious to me!

  2. I seriously LOVE reading these posts! She cracks me up!!!

  3. She cracks me up. That song is awesome.

  4. She is hilarious! And so adorable. I just love all of her silly faces.
