May 7, 2012

week in iphone pics

Prepare for a photo overload.  I could edit some down, but lets face it.  These posts are more for me and my family than anyone else, so I'll keep them all in.


Yipee yahoo!  It's my birthday (anyone's toddler play Peek A Zoo?  Sound familiar?)!  After the Trolley Run I met up with Christopher and Ryann for some breakfast.  I was beat!  But not too tired to scarf down some french toast, eggs and bacon of course.  Ryann did her thing, looking cute and being a punk about taking pictures.  That night my lovely mother-in-law came up to watch Ryann so Chris could take me out for a birthday dinner.  Being the cool kid that I am, I wore compression socks under my jeans (they felt so good, couldn't take them off!).  Mmmm Prickly Pear margarita...


Christopher had the day off work so we went to the aquarium in the morning.  Standing in line is obviously thrilling.  After nap we wasted time playing in the bed, and went to Toys R Us for a new puzzle.  Although I think Ryann would have been happy to come home with some sort of motorized vehicle as well.  Someday... and just some pre-bed snuggles for my lady.


Less than 24 hours after giving her a jigsaw puzzle, Ryann had the thing mastered.  Go figure.  She claps for herself every time she gets another piece.  Too cute.  We spent the afternoon playing outside.  When we finally came back in Ryann combined her two current favorite things, her ball pit and the puzzle.  Pretty clever if you ask me.


Obviously a trip to Target was necessary.  I'm not sure there has been a week that we didn't go to Target at least once.  I considered a floppy beach hat, but Ryann looked better in it than I did, so I passed.  I got some cute little clips in the mail that I ordered from Princess and the King on Etsy (seller Sarah Olsen Designs).  They seem well made and the seller was excellent to work with.  After nap Ryann and I made some muffins for Christopher to have while we were out of town.  No worries, recipe to come later this week.


Travel day!  Christopher was scheduled for a long string of crappy hours, so Ryann and I hightailed it to Georgia with my mom.  In the picture of her with the iPad, please take note of her left finger.  I think it was always prepped and ready just in case righty got tired of doing all the work or something.


Running in Georgia in the late spring/summer kind of blows thanks to the heat and humidity, but the views definitely try to make up for it.  When I got back from my run, Ryann was coloring like a champ.  She can stay in the lines better than me sometimes.  We spent the rest of the morning at the beach.  The beach definitely = Ryann's happy place.  For the most part anyway.  Oh and the humidity may suck for running, but ohemgee what it does to Ryann's curls is amazing.  I can't get enough of them.  After some fun outside time we went to the Moo Cow Creamery for ice cream.  I have never seen Ryann shovel something into her mouth so fast.  She was in heaven.


We had to pick Papa up from the airport.  There was a fountain... I told Ryann not to touch the water.  Probably one of the hardest thing she has ever had to do :o).  After nap we spent more time at the beach and just hung around the house for the evening.  Ok actually we went out for ice cream again, there just wasn't any photographic evidence this time.  I've been a little sad they haven't had my favorite flavor, chocolate covered potato chip.  But I've settled for chocolate peanut butter cup and banana pudding.  Not too shabby.

Linking up with Amy!


  1. Looks like you had a great week! : )

  2. My daughter loves Peek a Zoo which I discovered through one of your blog posts!

  3. My son does the same cheesy faces, especially when I ask for a smile. She's a cutie!

  4. Love these! I need to get back into the habit of using my iPhone more often, but since starting the 366 day project and returning to work, it's hard to find the time!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing a link to my shop!

    Love your blog! You've inspired me to start snapping more photos! :)

  6. Hi Ashley! Cute pics! We have the same stroller as you but we've never flown with it. Do you check it? How does that work? I'm afraid they'll break it, but it also seems too big to carry on? Please share :) Thanks!
