July 19, 2012

splash park

Check me out.  Another thing checked off our summer to-do list.  Only, you know, sixteen more items to do, an like um, six weeks to go?  Hmph.  Part of the problem is it is a million degrees all the time.  We pretty much have to be inside by 11am, or we have to be wet.  And that kind of sucks.  Also?  I need to clean out my freezer so that I can stick our popsicle maker or ice cream maker in there.  Jotting that down...

Anyway, yes, today we trekked out to the splash park to try and beat the heat.  Too bad the kiddos were a little aprehensive about getting in the middle of things.  There were a lot of older kids, who didn't quite understand that no, my two year old does not want to be blasted in the face by the giant water gun.  But I think they still had a good time.  We really need to find a spray/splash park on the Kansas side though, this one is in Missouri nearly 30 minutes from our house.  Anyone know of a spray park on the Kansas side we might be able to visit?

 See that little girl back there?  Totally just blasted Ryann.
Where'd the water go?

I love these little guys so much.  I'm so glad that even though they aren't all the best at playing together, Ryann has had some steady 'friends'.  Our time with the twins is coming to an end, Sarah won't be taking care of them anymore come the end of August.  But it has been fun while it's lasted.  Seriously, how cute are they?

compared to last year...

happy thursday.


  1. Way to be on top of the blogging! Pics uploaded the same day?! Look out :)

    Omg look at how little they were last summer :( Going to be sad not getting them together anymore but hopefully I'll get some new, cool toddlers. Had fun today and yes, we need to find a closer one!!

  2. Adorable! I hate taking my little dude the pool or splash pad when some punk older kid splashes my boy in the face or is rough housing around him and ends up knocking him on the ground. Little Ryann is so cute and looks like she had so much fun :)
